#S(HASH-TABLE EQL (FILENAME . "vbalexpbar6.ocx")(GUID . "{77EBD0B1-871A-4AD1-951A-26AEFE783111}")(OLENAME . "vbalExplorerBarLib6")(DESCRIPTION . "vbAccelerator VB6 Explorer Bar Control")(VERSION . "2.1") (CLASSES . #S(HASH-TABLE EQUAL ("_vbalExplorerBarCtl" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{5BEECFBB-3CDC-4E6B-94A0-CF8123DD22DB}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ShowFocusRect") (RIID . #x6803000b) (OFFSET . #x7b0) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the focus rectangle is drawn once the user makes the first keyboard action in the control. The Bars.Clear method reset s internal tracking of whether the user has made a keyboard action or not.")) ((NAME . "ShowFocusRect") (RIID . #x6803000b) (OFFSET . #x7b4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the focus rectangle is drawn once the user makes the first keyboard action in the control. The Bars.Clear method reset s internal tracking of whether the user has made a keyboard action or not.")) ((NAME . "BackColorStart") (RIID . #x6803000a) (OFFSET . #x7b8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the start colour of the gradient background of the control. Set to -1 for the default colour.")) ((NAME . "BackColorStart") (RIID . #x6803000a) (OFFSET . #x7bc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the start colour of the gradient background of the control. Set to -1 for the default colour.")) ((NAME . "BackColorEnd") (RIID . #x68030009) (OFFSET . #x7c0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the end colour of the gradient background of the control. Set to -1 for the default colour.")) ((NAME . "BackColorEnd") (RIID . #x68030009) (OFFSET . #x7c4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the end colour of the gradient background of the control. Set to -1 for the default colour.")) ((NAME . "UseExplorerTransitionStyle") (RIID . #x68030008) (OFFSET . #x7c8) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "For future expansion. Not supported in this release.")) ((NAME . "UseExplorerTransitionStyle") (RIID . #x68030008) (OFFSET . #x7cc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "For future expansion. Not supported in this release.")) ((NAME . "UseExplorerStyle") (RIID . #x68030007) (OFFSET . #x7d0) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the drawing mode of the control. The default is True, when the control uses the XP Theme if one is set otherwise draws using a Windows Classic style. When false, the control draws using an emulation of the themed XP version.")) ((NAME . "UseExplorerStyle") (RIID . #x68030007) (OFFSET . #x7d4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the drawing mode of the control. The default is True, when the control uses the XP Theme if one is set otherwise draws using a Windows Classic style. When false, the control draws using an emulation of the themed XP version.")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x68030006) (OFFSET . #x7d8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.EExplorerBarStyles")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control draws like the Search bar or in the default way.")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x68030006) (OFFSET . #x7dc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.EExplorerBarStyles")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control draws like the Search bar or in the default way.")) ((NAME . "DefaultPanelColor") (RIID . #x68030005) (OFFSET . #x7e0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ("bIsSpecial" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the background colour of the panel holding the items in a bar.")) ((NAME . "ImageList") (RIID . #x68030004) (OFFSET . #x7e4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("bIsSpecial" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Associates an ImageList with the control. If using a Microsoft ImageList, pass the object as the value, otherwise pass the ComCtl32 hImageList handle.")) ((NAME . "BarTitleImageList") (RIID . #x6803000e) (OFFSET . #x800) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("bIsSpecial" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Redraw") (RIID . #x68030003) (OFFSET . #x7e8) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether changes to the appearance or items/bars in the control are redrawn. Turn off to make many changes quickly.")) ((NAME . "Redraw") (RIID . #x68030003) (OFFSET . #x7ec) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("bIsSpecial" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether changes to the appearance or items/bars in the control are redrawn. Turn off to make many changes quickly.")) ((NAME . "Bars") (RIID . #x68030002) (OFFSET . #x7f0) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR._cExplorerBars")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the collection of bars associated with the control.")))) ("vbalExplorerBarCtl" (TYPE . "Coclass")(GUID . "{0621CF6B-B4C3-46B3-9EB1-CFE78D8FE0E7}")(ALIASES "_vbalExplorerBarCtl""_ISubclass""__vbalExplorerBarCtl") (FUNCTIONS )) ("vbalExplorerBarCtl___v0" (TYPE . "Typedef")(GUID . "{4A8E13D0-B260-415B-8798-3B98264F2BA5}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("_cExplorerBars" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{76EED002-271B-44F0-B57C-FF8540C2B74C}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x68030001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the number of bars in the control.")) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x60030003) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes all of the bars currently associated with the control.")) ((NAME . "Remove") (RIID . #x60030004) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes the specified bar by index or key.")) ((NAME . "Add") (RIID . #x60030005) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR._cExplorerBar")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Title" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds or inserts a new bar to the control.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR._cExplorerBar")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets a reference to the specified bar by index or key.")) ((NAME . "Exists") (RIID . #x68030000) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))))) ("cExplorerBars" (TYPE . "Coclass")(GUID . "{2DAD85D7-F688-4F55-83E1-E4E41B96A69A}")(ALIASES "_cExplorerBars") (FUNCTIONS )) ("_cExplorerBar" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{9A5DDD41-9F4F-4EE8-8DCB-3E9C9024D84D}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "IsSpecial") (RIID . #x68030010) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether this bar contains 'special' items (i.e. drawn with a dark title bar) or is a standard bar (i.e. drawn with a lighter title bar).")) ((NAME . "IsSpecial") (RIID . #x68030010) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether this bar contains 'special' items (i.e. drawn with a dark title bar) or is a standard bar (i.e. drawn with a lighter title bar).")) ((NAME . "WatermarkPicture") (RIID . #x6803000f) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPicture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Not supported in this release.")) ((NAME . "WatermarkPicture") (RIID . #x6803000f) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.IPicture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Not supported in this release.")) ((NAME . "WatermarkPicture") (RIID . #x6803000f) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.IPicture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Not supported in this release.")) ((NAME . "WatermarkMode") (RIID . #x68030017) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.EExplorerBarWatermarkModes")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "WatermarkMode") (RIID . #x68030017) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.EExplorerBarWatermarkModes")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "WatermarkHAlign") (RIID . #x68030016) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.EExplorerBarWatermarkHAlign")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "WatermarkHAlign") (RIID . #x68030016) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.EExplorerBarWatermarkHAlign")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "WatermarkVAlign") (RIID . #x68030015) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.EExplorerBarWatermarkVAlign")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "WatermarkVAlign") (RIID . #x68030015) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.EExplorerBarWatermarkVAlign")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "IconIndex") (RIID . #x68030014) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "IconIndex") (RIID . #x68030014) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Title") (RIID . #x6803000e) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the title of this bar.")) ((NAME . "Title") (RIID . #x6803000e) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the title of this bar.")) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x6803000d) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the tooltip shown when the mouse hovers over this bar's title.")) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x6803000d) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the tooltip shown when the mouse hovers over this bar's title.")) ((NAME . "TitleBackColorLight") (RIID . #x6803000c) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the colour to use at the end of the title of this bar. Set to -1 to use the default colour. Has no effect when the control's UseExplorerStyle flag is set.")) ((NAME . "TitleBackColorLight") (RIID . #x6803000c) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the colour to use at the end of the title of this bar. Set to -1 to use the default colour. Has no effect when the control's UseExplorerStyle flag is set.")) ((NAME . "TitleBackColorDark") (RIID . #x6803000b) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the colour to use at the start of the title of this bar. Set to -1 to use the default colour. Has no effect when the control's UseExplorerStyle flag is set.")) ((NAME . "TitleBackColorDark") (RIID . #x6803000b) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the colour to use at the start of the title of this bar. Set to -1 to use the default colour. Has no effect when the control's UseExplorerStyle flag is set.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #x6803000a) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background colour for this bar. Set to -1 for the default colour.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #x6803000a) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background colour for this bar. Set to -1 for the default colour.")) ((NAME . "TitleFont") (RIID . #x68030009) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IFont")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the font used to draw the title of this bar. Set to Nothing for the default font.")) ((NAME . "TitleFont") (RIID . #x68030009) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.IFont")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the font used to draw the title of this bar. Set to Nothing for the default font.")) ((NAME . "TitleFont") (RIID . #x68030009) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.IFont")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the font used to draw the title of this bar. Set to Nothing for the default font.")) ((NAME . "TitleForeColor") (RIID . #x68030008) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the standard foreground colour of the title of the bar. Set to -1 to use the default colour. Has no effect when the control's UseExplorerStyle flag is set.")) ((NAME . "TitleForeColor") (RIID . #x68030008) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the standard foreground colour of the title of the bar. Set to -1 to use the default colour. Has no effect when the control's UseExplorerStyle flag is set.")) ((NAME . "TitleForeColorOver") (RIID . #x68030007) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground colour of the title of the bar when the mouse is hovering over it. Set to -1 to use the default colour. Has no effect when the control's UseExplorerStyle flag is set.")) ((NAME . "TitleForeColorOver") (RIID . #x68030007) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground colour of the title of the bar when the mouse is hovering over it. Set to -1 to use the default colour. Has no effect when the control's UseExplorerStyle flag is set.")) ((NAME . "CanExpand") (RIID . #x68030006) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether this bar can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on it. Default is True.")) ((NAME . "CanExpand") (RIID . #x68030006) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether this bar can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on it. Default is True.")) ((NAME . "State") (RIID . #x68030005) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.EExplorerBarStates")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether this bar is expanded or collapsed.")) ((NAME . "State") (RIID . #x68030005) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.EExplorerBarStates")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether this bar is expanded or collapsed.")) ((NAME . "EnsureVisible") (RIID . #x60030013) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Ensures this bar is visible in the control, scrolling if necessary.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x68030004) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the Key for this bar.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x68030003) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a string value associated with this bar.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x68030003) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a string value associated with this bar.")) ((NAME . "ItemData") (RIID . #x68030002) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a long value associated with this bar.")) ((NAME . "ItemData") (RIID . #x68030002) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a long value associated with this bar.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x68030001) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the index (order) of this bar within the control.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x68030001) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the index (order) of this bar within the control.")) ((NAME . "Items") (RIID . #x68030000) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR._cExplorerBarItems")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the collection of Items associated with this bar.")))) ("cExplorerBar" (TYPE . "Coclass")(GUID . "{DEE14ED7-9862-4599-A7A5-33106E5B66CD}")(ALIASES "_cExplorerBar") (FUNCTIONS )) ("cExplorerBar___v0" (TYPE . "Typedef")(GUID . "{869CC80C-28C8-4DCB-A3E4-C1950BD2596A}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("_cExplorerBarItems" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{628DFC17-BEEF-486E-BDC5-E04B484FD8A6}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x68030001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the number of items associated with this bar.")) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x60030003) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Clears all items from this bar.")) ((NAME . "Remove") (RIID . #x60030004) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes the item with the specified index or key.")) ((NAME . "Add") (RIID . #x60030005) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR._cExplorerBarItem")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Text" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("IconIndex" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("ItemType" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds or inserts a new item to this bar.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR._cExplorerBarItem")(PARAMS ("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the Item with the specified index or key.")) ((NAME . "Exists") (RIID . #x68030000) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))))) ("cExplorerBarItems" (TYPE . "Coclass")(GUID . "{E4A4E112-DACB-4DEF-8E8A-972D88089833}")(ALIASES "_cExplorerBarItems") (FUNCTIONS )) ("_cExplorerBarItem" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{DD37CE70-DA4A-4EF0-905E-4436D5D5DB4C}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ItemType") (RIID . #x6803000e) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.EExplorerBarItemTypes")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of this item. The default type is a Link, which can be clicked. Other types are Text, which is like a link but can't be clicked, and Control place holder, which only displays the control set using the Control property.")) ((NAME . "ItemType") (RIID . #x6803000e) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.EExplorerBarItemTypes")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of this item. The default type is a Link, which can be clicked. Other types are Text, which is like a link but can't be clicked, and Control place holder, which only displays the control set using the Control property.")) ((NAME . "IconIndex") (RIID . #x6803000d) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the index of the icon to display for this item. Note icon indexes are 0-based unlike other indexes in this control.")) ((NAME . "IconIndex") (RIID . #x6803000d) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the index of the icon to display for this item. Note icon indexes are 0-based unlike other indexes in this control.")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x6803000c) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the text for this item.")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x6803000c) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the text for this item.")) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x6803000b) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the tooltip text for this item.")) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x6803000b) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the tooltip text for this item.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #x6803000a) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IFont")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the font this item is drawn in. Set to Nothing to use the default font.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #x6803000a) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.IFont")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the font this item is drawn in. Set to Nothing to use the default font.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #x6803000a) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.IFont")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the font this item is drawn in. Set to Nothing to use the default font.")) ((NAME . "Bold") (RIID . #x68030009) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether this item is drawn using a bold version of the font or not.")) ((NAME . "Bold") (RIID . #x68030009) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether this item is drawn using a bold version of the font or not.")) ((NAME . "SpacingAfter") (RIID . #x68030008) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the spacing after this item in the control, in pixels. Defaults to 0.")) ((NAME . "SpacingAfter") (RIID . #x68030008) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the spacing after this item in the control, in pixels. Defaults to 0.")) ((NAME . "Control") (RIID . #x68030007) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the control associated with this item.")) ((NAME . "Control") (RIID . #x68030007) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the control associated with this item.")) ((NAME . "Control") (RIID . #x68030007) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the control associated with this item.")) ((NAME . "TextColor") (RIID . #x68030006) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the colour this item's text is drawn in. Use -1 for the default colour.")) ((NAME . "TextColor") (RIID . #x68030006) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the colour this item's text is drawn in. Use -1 for the default colour.")) ((NAME . "TextColorOver") (RIID . #x68030005) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the colour this item's text is drawn in when the mouse is over. Use -1 for the default colour.")) ((NAME . "TextColorOver") (RIID . #x68030005) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the colour this item's text is drawn in when the mouse is over. Use -1 for the default colour.")) ((NAME . "CanClick") (RIID . #x68030004) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether this item can be clicked or not.")) ((NAME . "CanClick") (RIID . #x68030004) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether this item can be clicked or not.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x68030003) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the key for this item.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x68030002) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a string value associated with this item.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x68030002) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a string value associated with this item.")) ((NAME . "ItemData") (RIID . #x68030001) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a long value associated with this item.")) ((NAME . "ItemData") (RIID . #x68030001) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a long value associated with this item.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x68030000) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the index (order) of this item within its bar.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x68030000) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the index (order) of this item within its bar.")) ((NAME . "EnsureVisible") (RIID . #x60030012) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("cExplorerBarItem" (TYPE . "Coclass")(GUID . "{90CDCCC6-7335-4F71-B639-FD6EAFF2E0A4}")(ALIASES "_cExplorerBarItem") (FUNCTIONS )) ("cExplorerBarItem___v0" (TYPE . "Typedef")(GUID . "{E7A832C2-3E2F-40D0-B2D1-70F2366F2FDA}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("_pcExplorerBarItem" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{8B5BE835-1487-42EA-A72A-8EF629C20A4D}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ID") (RIID . #x40030000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "ID") (RIID . #x40030000) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "BarID") (RIID . #x40030001) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "BarID") (RIID . #x40030001) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x40030002) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x40030002) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x40030003) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x40030003) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x40030004) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x40030004) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "ItemData") (RIID . #x40030005) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "ItemData") (RIID . #x40030005) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "IconIndex") (RIID . #x40030006) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "IconIndex") (RIID . #x40030006) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "pic") (RIID . #x40030007) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPicture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "pic") (RIID . #x40030007) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPicture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "TextColor") (RIID . #x40030008) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "TextColor") (RIID . #x40030008) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "TextColorOver") (RIID . #x40030009) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "TextColorOver") (RIID . #x40030009) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "CanClick") (RIID . #x4003000a) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "CanClick") (RIID . #x4003000a) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "ItemType") (RIID . #x4003000b) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.EExplorerBarItemTypes")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "ItemType") (RIID . #x4003000b) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.EExplorerBarItemTypes")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x4003000c) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x4003000c) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "lPtrPanel") (RIID . #x4003000d) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "lPtrPanel") (RIID . #x4003000d) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #x4003000e) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IFont")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #x4003000e) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IFont")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Bold") (RIID . #x4003000f) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "Bold") (RIID . #x4003000f) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "SpacingAfter") (RIID . #x40030010) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "SpacingAfter") (RIID . #x40030010) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "HeightWithScroll") (RIID . #x40030011) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "HeightWithScroll") (RIID . #x40030011) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "HeightWithoutScroll") (RIID . #x40030012) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "HeightWithoutScroll") (RIID . #x40030012) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Top") (RIID . #x40030013) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "Top") (RIID . #x40030013) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #x40030014) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #x40030014) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "MouseOver") (RIID . #x40030015) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "MouseOver") (RIID . #x40030015) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "HasFocus") (RIID . #x40030016) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "HasFocus") (RIID . #x40030016) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "HasMnemonic") (RIID . #x60030000) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ("sMnemonic" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ControlHeight") (RIID . #x60030001) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("pcExplorerBarItem" (TYPE . "Coclass")(GUID . "{93BD935B-811C-4296-9B11-955B2CEBDABE}")(ALIASES "_pcExplorerBarItem") (FUNCTIONS )) ("__vbalExplorerBarCtl" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{EBAB9FC8-CF35-40D2-A3E0-F359D12A57BD}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "BarRightClick") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("bar" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR._cExplorerBar")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Raised when the user right clicks a bar.")) ((NAME . "BarClick") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("bar" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR._cExplorerBar")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Raised after a bar has been clicked, and the bar's state has changed.")) ((NAME . "ItemRightClick") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itm" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR._cExplorerBarItem")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Raised when a user right clicks on an item in the control.")) ((NAME . "ItemClick") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itm" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR._cExplorerBarItem")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Raised when an item is clicked.")) ((NAME . "Highlight") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("bar" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR._cExplorerBar")("itm" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR._cExplorerBarItem")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Raised when an item or bar is highlighted by the user moving the mouse over it.")) ((NAME . "SettingChange") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("EExplorerBarItemTypes" (TYPE . "Enum")(GUID . "{A78500AE-8730-4F6C-A3A7-3877AEC5CB0B}")(ENUMS (0 . eItemLink) (1 . eItemText) (2 . eItemControlPlaceHolder) ) (FUNCTIONS )) ("EExplorerBarStyles" (TYPE . "Enum")(GUID . "{95FD2DB9-EA0B-4BC4-ADBE-C9A6CB4D7240}")(ENUMS (0 . eDefaultStyle) (1 . eSearchStyle) ) (FUNCTIONS )) ("EExplorerBarStates" (TYPE . "Enum")(GUID . "{BAF2F690-AE37-4C77-B200-A4D0FC2418EC}")(ENUMS (0 . eBarCollapsed) (1 . eBarExpanded) ) (FUNCTIONS )) ("EExplorerBarWatermarkModes" (TYPE . "Enum")(GUID . "{C309F7EC-8E87-4EBA-81F9-E0854FF45D9B}")(ENUMS (0 . eWaterMarkColourise) (1 . eWaterMarkDirect) ) (FUNCTIONS )) ("EExplorerBarWatermarkHAlign" (TYPE . "Enum")(GUID . "{C2352AD6-E958-46A1-BDE8-AAB7E573ADBF}")(ENUMS (0 . eWaterMarkAlignLeft) (1 . eWaterMarkAlignHCentre) (2 . eWaterMarkAlignRight) ) (FUNCTIONS )) ("EExplorerBarWatermarkVAlign" (TYPE . "Enum")(GUID . "{17E89B66-C64B-4895-8904-8A00E7AC4800}")(ENUMS (0 . eWaterMarkAlignTop) (1 . eWaterMarkAlignVCentre) (1 . eWaterMarkAlignBottom) ) (FUNCTIONS )) )))