#S(HASH-TABLE EQL (FILENAME . "c:\windows\desktop\decompiler_jobs\ocxs\ssa3d30.ocx")(GUID . "{065E6FD1-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(DESCRIPTION . "Sheridan ActiveThreed Plus Controls")(VERSION . "3.0") (CLASSES . #S(HASH-TABLE EQUAL ("Constants_Font3D" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the font3D styles")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_AlignTo" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the SSCheck/SSOption control alignments")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_AlignFrameText" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the caption alignment for the SSFrame control")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_ShadowColor" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the shadow color for SSFrame/SSPanel controls")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_AutoSizeButton" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the type of AutoSize")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_ShadowStyle" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the shadow styles")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_Bevel" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the bevel styles")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_FloodType" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the flood type")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_Alignment" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the Picture alignment for SSCommand control")(GUID . "{C5DC2ED0-56BE-11D0-9B9E-0000C0F04C96}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_AutoSizePanel" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the Autosize for SSPanel control")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_PictureDnChange" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify PictureDn change")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_MousePointer" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the mouse pointer type")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_CaptionStyle" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the caption style")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_MarqueeStyle" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the Marquee style")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_MarqueeDirection" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the Marquee direction")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_BackStyle" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the back style")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_PictureBackgroundStyle" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the Picture Background style")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_PictureAlignment" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the picture alignment for SSCheck control")(GUID . "{C5DC2ED1-56BE-11D0-9B9E-0000C0F04C96}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_ButtonStyle" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the button styles")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_FloodFillStyle" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the flood fill styles")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_CheckBoxValue" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the check box states")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_PictureMaskColorSource" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify the source of the mask color")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_ShapeSize" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify how the Shape is sized.")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_SoundFlags" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants that specify how to treat the sound.")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_OLEDrag" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants for the OLEDragMode property (but not the DragMode or OLEDropMode properties).")(GUID . "{D8898460-742F-11CF-8AEA-00AA00C00905}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_OLEDrop" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants for the OLEDropMode property (but not the DragMode or OLEDragMode properties).")(GUID . "{D8898461-742F-11CF-8AEA-00AA00C00905}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_DragOver" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "State transition constants for the DragOver and OLEDragOver events.")(GUID . "{D8898464-742F-11CF-8AEA-00AA00C00905}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_ClipBoard" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Clipboard format constants.")(GUID . "{D8898462-742F-11CF-8AEA-00AA00C00905}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("Constants_OLEDropEffect" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Drop effect constants for OLE drag and drop events.")(GUID . "{D8898463-742F-11CF-8AEA-00AA00C00905}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ISSDataObjectFiles" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{6B976285-3692-11D0-9B8A-0000C0F04C96}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ("lIndex" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific filename by index from the Files collection of a SSDataObject object (ssCFFiles format only).")) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "Add") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("bstrFilename" "VT_BSTR")("vIndex" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds a filename to the Files collection of a SSDataObject object (ssCFFiles format only).")) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Clears all filenames stored in the Files collection of a SSDataObject object (ssCFFiles format only).")) ((NAME . "Remove") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("vIndex" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes a filename from the Files collection of a SSDataObject object (ssCFFiles format only).")) ((NAME . "_NewEnum") (RIID . #xfffffffc) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_UNKNOWN")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("SSDataObjectFiles" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "A collection of strings which is the type of the Files property on the ssDataObject object.")(GUID . "{6B976284-3692-11D0-9B8A-0000C0F04C96}")(ALIASES "ISSDataObjectFiles") (FUNCTIONS )) ("ISSDataObject" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{6B976287-3692-11D0-9B8A-0000C0F04C96}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Clears all data and formats in a SSDataObject object.")) ((NAME . "GetData") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("sFormat" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Retrieves data of a specified format from a SSDataObject object.")) ((NAME . "GetFormat") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ("sFormat" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Determines if a specified clipboard format is supported by the SSDataObject object.")) ((NAME . "SetData") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("vValue" "VT_VARIANT")("vFormat" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds a supported format and possibly its data to a SSDataObject object.")) ((NAME . "Files") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.ISSDataObjectFiles")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "A collection of filenames used by the ssCFFiles format.")))) ("SSDataObject" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "A container for data being transferred from a source to a target in an OLE drag/drop operation.")(GUID . "{6B976286-3692-11D0-9B8A-0000C0F04C96}")(ALIASES "ISSDataObject") (FUNCTIONS )) ("ISSBase" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{065E6FD2-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Font")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the window handle of the control.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #x100) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x104) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x108) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x10c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x110) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x114) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x118) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x11c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x120) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x124) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x128) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a control.")) ((NAME . "PlaySoundFile") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x12c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")("SoundFlags" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Makes the control play a sound file.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x130) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays version information about the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x134) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")))) ("ISSOptionBase" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{065E6FD3-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Font")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the window handle of the control.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #x100) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x104) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x108) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x10c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x110) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x114) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x118) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x11c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x120) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x124) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x128) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a control.")) ((NAME . "PlaySoundFile") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x12c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")("SoundFlags" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Makes the control play a sound file.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x130) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays version information about the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x134) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x138) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x13c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x140) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AlignTo")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x144) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AlignTo")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x148) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureAlignment")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x14c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureAlignment")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")))) ("ISSButtonBase" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{065E6FD4-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Font")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the window handle of the control.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #x100) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x104) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x108) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x10c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x110) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x114) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x118) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x11c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x120) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x124) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x128) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a control.")) ((NAME . "PlaySoundFile") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x12c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")("SoundFlags" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Makes the control play a sound file.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x130) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays version information about the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x134) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x138) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x13c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x0000002f) (OFFSET . #x140) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the logical state of the control.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x0000002f) (OFFSET . #x144) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the logical state of the control.")) ((NAME . "_Value") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x148) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_Value") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x14c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x150) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x154) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "AutoSize") (RIID . #xfffffe0c) (OFFSET . #x158) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AutoSizeButton")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will resize itself based on the picture.")) ((NAME . "AutoSize") (RIID . #xfffffe0c) (OFFSET . #x15c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AutoSizeButton")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will resize itself based on the picture.")) ((NAME . "BevelWidth") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x160) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the width of the beveled area.")) ((NAME . "BevelWidth") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x164) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the width of the beveled area.")) ((NAME . "ButtonStyle") (RIID . #x00000033) (OFFSET . #x168) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ButtonStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the appearance of the button's edges.")) ((NAME . "ButtonStyle") (RIID . #x00000033) (OFFSET . #x16c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ButtonStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the appearance of the button's edges.")) ((NAME . "Outline") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #x170) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control is displayed with an outside border.")) ((NAME . "Outline") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #x174) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control is displayed with an outside border.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x178) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x17c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabled") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x180) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the button when disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabled") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x184) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the button when disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabled") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x188) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the button when disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabledFrames") (RIID . #x00000034) (OFFSET . #x18c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used when the control is disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabledFrames") (RIID . #x00000034) (OFFSET . #x190) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used when the control is disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDn") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x194) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the 'down' state of a button.")) ((NAME . "PictureDn") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x198) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the 'down' state of a button.")) ((NAME . "PictureDn") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x19c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the 'down' state of a button.")) ((NAME . "PictureDnFrames") (RIID . #x00000035) (OFFSET . #x1a0) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used when the control is 'down'.")) ((NAME . "PictureDnFrames") (RIID . #x00000035) (OFFSET . #x1a4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used when the control is 'down'.")) ((NAME . "Shape") (RIID . #x00000049) (OFFSET . #x1a8) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object that defines the shape of a control")) ((NAME . "Shape") (RIID . #x00000049) (OFFSET . #x1ac) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object that defines the shape of a control")) ((NAME . "Shape") (RIID . #x00000049) (OFFSET . #x1b0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object that defines the shape of a control")) ((NAME . "ShapeSize") (RIID . #x0000004a) (OFFSET . #x1b4) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ShapeSize")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size relationship between a control and its shape")) ((NAME . "ShapeSize") (RIID . #x0000004a) (OFFSET . #x1b8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ShapeSize")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size relationship between a control and its shape")) ((NAME . "RoundedCorners") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #x1bc) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will have rounded corners.")) ((NAME . "RoundedCorners") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #x1c0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will have rounded corners.")))) ("ISSFrameBase" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{065E6FD5-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Font")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the window handle of the control.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #x100) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x104) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x108) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x10c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x110) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x114) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x118) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x11c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x120) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x124) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x128) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a control.")) ((NAME . "PlaySoundFile") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x12c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")("SoundFlags" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Makes the control play a sound file.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x130) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays version information about the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x134) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackgroundStyle") (RIID . #x0000003d) (OFFSET . #x138) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureBackgroundStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the background picture will be displayed.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackgroundStyle") (RIID . #x0000003d) (OFFSET . #x13c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureBackgroundStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the background picture will be displayed.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackground") (RIID . #x00000038) (OFFSET . #x140) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a picture for display in the background.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackground") (RIID . #x00000038) (OFFSET . #x144) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a picture for display in the background.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackground") (RIID . #x00000038) (OFFSET . #x148) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a picture for display in the background.")) ((NAME . "ClipControls") (RIID . #x0000003f) (OFFSET . #x14c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the way the control handles repaint methods.")) ((NAME . "ClipControls") (RIID . #x0000003f) (OFFSET . #x150) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the way the control handles repaint methods.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackgroundUseMask") (RIID . #x0000004c) (OFFSET . #x154) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background picture will have a transparent color.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackgroundUseMask") (RIID . #x0000004c) (OFFSET . #x158) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background picture will have a transparent color.")))) ("ISSFrame" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Frame Control")(GUID . "{065E6FD6-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Font")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the window handle of the control.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #x100) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x104) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x108) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x10c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x110) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x114) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x118) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x11c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x120) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x124) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x128) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a control.")) ((NAME . "PlaySoundFile") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x12c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")("SoundFlags" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Makes the control play a sound file.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x130) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays version information about the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x134) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackgroundStyle") (RIID . #x0000003d) (OFFSET . #x138) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureBackgroundStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the background picture will be displayed.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackgroundStyle") (RIID . #x0000003d) (OFFSET . #x13c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureBackgroundStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the background picture will be displayed.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackground") (RIID . #x00000038) (OFFSET . #x140) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a picture for display in the background.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackground") (RIID . #x00000038) (OFFSET . #x144) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a picture for display in the background.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackground") (RIID . #x00000038) (OFFSET . #x148) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a picture for display in the background.")) ((NAME . "ClipControls") (RIID . #x0000003f) (OFFSET . #x14c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the way the control handles repaint methods.")) ((NAME . "ClipControls") (RIID . #x0000003f) (OFFSET . #x150) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the way the control handles repaint methods.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackgroundUseMask") (RIID . #x0000004c) (OFFSET . #x154) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background picture will have a transparent color.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackgroundUseMask") (RIID . #x0000004c) (OFFSET . #x158) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background picture will have a transparent color.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x15c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x160) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "_Caption") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x164) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_Caption") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x168) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x16c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AlignFrameText")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x170) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AlignFrameText")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "ShadowColor") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x174) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ShadowColor")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "ShadowColor") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x178) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ShadowColor")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "ShadowStyle") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x17c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ShadowStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the frame will be drawn, raised or inset.")) ((NAME . "ShadowStyle") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x180) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ShadowStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the frame will be drawn, raised or inset.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x184) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureAlignment")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x188) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureAlignment")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")))) ("DSSFrameEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Frame Control")(GUID . "{065E6FD7-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #xfffffda8) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user clicks the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #xfffffda3) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a mouse button while the pointer is over the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseMove") (RIID . #xfffffda2) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves while over the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseUp") (RIID . #xfffffda1) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a mouse button while the pointer is over the control.")) ((NAME . "DblClick") (RIID . #xfffffda7) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user double-clicks the .")) ((NAME . "MarqueeCycleBegin") (RIID . #x0000002d) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the caption begins a new marquee cycle.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeCycleEnd") (RIID . #x00000040) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the caption finishes a marquee cycle.")) ((NAME . "MouseEnter") (RIID . #x00000031) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves over of the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseExit") (RIID . #x00000032) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves outside the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEStartDrag") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("AllowedEffects" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEGiveFeedback") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("DefaultCursors" "VT_PTR.VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLESetData") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("DataFormat" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLECompleteDrag") (RIID . #x00000611) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEDragOver") (RIID . #x00000612) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("X" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("Y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("State" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEDragDrop") (RIID . #x00000613) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("X" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("Y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "PictureFrameChanged") (RIID . #x0000004b) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when an animated picture has changed to a new frame")))) ("SSFrame" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Frame Control")(GUID . "{065E6FD8-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(ALIASES "ISSFrame""DSSFrameEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) ("ISSPanel" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Panel Control")(GUID . "{065E6FD9-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Font")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the window handle of the control.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #x100) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x104) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x108) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x10c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x110) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x114) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x118) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x11c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x120) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x124) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x128) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a control.")) ((NAME . "PlaySoundFile") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x12c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")("SoundFlags" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Makes the control play a sound file.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x130) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays version information about the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x134) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackgroundStyle") (RIID . #x0000003d) (OFFSET . #x138) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureBackgroundStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the background picture will be displayed.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackgroundStyle") (RIID . #x0000003d) (OFFSET . #x13c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureBackgroundStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the background picture will be displayed.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackground") (RIID . #x00000038) (OFFSET . #x140) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a picture for display in the background.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackground") (RIID . #x00000038) (OFFSET . #x144) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a picture for display in the background.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackground") (RIID . #x00000038) (OFFSET . #x148) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a picture for display in the background.")) ((NAME . "ClipControls") (RIID . #x0000003f) (OFFSET . #x14c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the way the control handles repaint methods.")) ((NAME . "ClipControls") (RIID . #x0000003f) (OFFSET . #x150) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the way the control handles repaint methods.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackgroundUseMask") (RIID . #x0000004c) (OFFSET . #x154) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background picture will have a transparent color.")) ((NAME . "PictureBackgroundUseMask") (RIID . #x0000004c) (OFFSET . #x158) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background picture will have a transparent color.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x15c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x160) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "BevelWidth") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x164) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the width of the beveled area.")) ((NAME . "BevelWidth") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x168) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the width of the beveled area.")) ((NAME . "BorderWidth") (RIID . #xfffffe07) (OFFSET . #x16c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the width of the space between the outer and inner bevels.")) ((NAME . "BorderWidth") (RIID . #xfffffe07) (OFFSET . #x170) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the width of the space between the outer and inner bevels.")) ((NAME . "BevelOuter") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x174) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Bevel")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of outside beveling for the panel.")) ((NAME . "BevelOuter") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x178) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Bevel")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of outside beveling for the panel.")) ((NAME . "BevelInner") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #x17c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Bevel")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of inside beveling for the panel.")) ((NAME . "BevelInner") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #x180) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Bevel")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of inside beveling for the panel.")) ((NAME . "RoundedCorners") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #x184) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will have rounded corners.")) ((NAME . "RoundedCorners") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #x188) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will have rounded corners.")) ((NAME . "Outline") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #x18c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control is displayed with an outside border.")) ((NAME . "Outline") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #x190) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control is displayed with an outside border.")) ((NAME . "FloodType") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #x194) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_FloodType")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a value that specifies the appearance of the panel when used as a status or progress indicator.")) ((NAME . "FloodType") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #x198) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_FloodType")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a value that specifies the appearance of the panel when used as a status or progress indicator.")) ((NAME . "FloodColor") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #x19c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color used to fill the control when used as a progress indicator.")) ((NAME . "FloodColor") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #x1a0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color used to fill the control when used as a progress indicator.")) ((NAME . "FloodPercent") (RIID . #x00000014) (OFFSET . #x1a4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the percentage of the control filled when used as a progress indicator.")) ((NAME . "FloodPercent") (RIID . #x00000014) (OFFSET . #x1a8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the percentage of the control filled when used as a progress indicator.")) ((NAME . "FloodShowPct") (RIID . #x00000015) (OFFSET . #x1ac) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to show percent value when used as a progress indicator.")) ((NAME . "FloodShowPct") (RIID . #x00000015) (OFFSET . #x1b0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to show percent value when used as a progress indicator.")) ((NAME . "_Caption") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1b4) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_Caption") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1b8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x1bc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x1c0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "ShadowColor") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x1c4) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ShadowColor")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "ShadowColor") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x1c8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ShadowColor")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "AutoSize") (RIID . #xfffffe0c) (OFFSET . #x1cc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AutoSizePanel")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will resize itself based on the picture &/or caption.")) ((NAME . "AutoSize") (RIID . #xfffffe0c) (OFFSET . #x1d0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AutoSizePanel")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will resize itself based on the picture &/or caption.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x1d4) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x1d8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")) ((NAME . "FloodFillStyle") (RIID . #x0000003b) (OFFSET . #x1dc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_FloodFillStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of fill when control is used as a status or progress indicator.")) ((NAME . "FloodFillStyle") (RIID . #x0000003b) (OFFSET . #x1e0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_FloodFillStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of fill when control is used as a status or progress indicator.")))) ("DSSPanel" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Panel Control")(GUID . "{065E6FEA-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a control.")) ((NAME . "PlaySoundFile") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("SoundFile" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Makes the control play a sound file.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays version information about the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_HRESULT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")))) ("DSSPanelEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Panel Control")(GUID . "{065E6FDB-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #xfffffda8) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user clicks the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #xfffffda3) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a mouse button while the pointer is over the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseMove") (RIID . #xfffffda2) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves while over the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseUp") (RIID . #xfffffda1) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a mouse button while the pointer is over the control.")) ((NAME . "DblClick") (RIID . #xfffffda7) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user double-clicks the .")) ((NAME . "MarqueeCycleBegin") (RIID . #x0000002d) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the caption begins a new marquee cycle.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeCycleEnd") (RIID . #x00000040) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the caption finishes a marquee cycle.")) ((NAME . "MouseEnter") (RIID . #x00000031) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves over of the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseExit") (RIID . #x00000032) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves outside the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEStartDrag") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("AllowedEffects" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEGiveFeedback") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("DefaultCursors" "VT_PTR.VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLESetData") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("DataFormat" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLECompleteDrag") (RIID . #x00000611) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEDragOver") (RIID . #x00000612) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("X" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("Y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("State" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEDragDrop") (RIID . #x00000613) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("X" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("Y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Resize") (RIID . #x0000003e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs after a splitter bar moves and all adjacent panes are resized.")) ((NAME . "PictureFrameChanged") (RIID . #x0000004b) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when an animated picture has changed to a new frame")))) ("SSPanel" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Panel Control")(GUID . "{065E6FDC-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(ALIASES "DSSPanel""ISSPanel""DSSPanelEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) ("DSSOption" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Option Button Control")(GUID . "{62FCAC31-2581-11D2-BAF1-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a control.")) ((NAME . "PlaySoundFile") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("SoundFile" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Makes the control play a sound file.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays version information about the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_HRESULT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")))) ("ISSOption" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Option Button Control")(GUID . "{065E6FDD-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Font")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the window handle of the control.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #x100) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x104) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x108) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x10c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x110) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x114) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x118) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x11c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x120) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x124) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x128) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a control.")) ((NAME . "PlaySoundFile") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x12c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")("SoundFlags" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Makes the control play a sound file.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x130) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays version information about the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x134) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x138) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x13c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x140) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AlignTo")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x144) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AlignTo")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x148) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureAlignment")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x14c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureAlignment")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x150) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_OPTEXCLUSIVE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the logical state of the control.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x154) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_OPTEXCLUSIVE")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the logical state of the control.")) ((NAME . "_Value") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x158) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_OPTEXCLUSIVE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_Value") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x15c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_OPTEXCLUSIVE")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "OptionBtnMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000029) (OFFSET . #x160) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in the option button graphic.")) ((NAME . "OptionBtnMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000029) (OFFSET . #x164) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in the option button graphic.")) ((NAME . "OptionBtnUseMask") (RIID . #x0000002a) (OFFSET . #x168) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in the option button graphic.")) ((NAME . "OptionBtnUseMask") (RIID . #x0000002a) (OFFSET . #x16c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in the option button graphic.")) ((NAME . "OptionBtnGraphics") (RIID . #x0000002b) (OFFSET . #x170) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used to replace the option button portion of the control.")) ((NAME . "OptionBtnGraphics") (RIID . #x0000002b) (OFFSET . #x174) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used to replace the option button portion of the control.")) ((NAME . "OptionBtnGraphics") (RIID . #x0000002b) (OFFSET . #x178) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used to replace the option button portion of the control.")) ((NAME . "Windowless") (RIID . #x00000043) (OFFSET . #x17c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control can operate in windowless mode.")) ((NAME . "Windowless") (RIID . #x00000043) (OFFSET . #x180) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control can operate in windowless mode.")) ((NAME . "OptionValue") (RIID . #x0000002f) (OFFSET . #x184) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the value used to bind an SSOption to a datasource")) ((NAME . "OptionValue") (RIID . #x0000002f) (OFFSET . #x188) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the value used to bind an SSOption to a datasource")) ((NAME . "DataValue") (RIID . #x00000030) (OFFSET . #x18c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "DataValue") (RIID . #x00000030) (OFFSET . #x190) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))))) ("DSSOptionEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Option Button Control")(GUID . "{065E6FDE-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #x00000016) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Value" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user clicks the control.")) ((NAME . "KeyDown") (RIID . #xfffffda6) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a key.")) ((NAME . "KeyPress") (RIID . #xfffffda5) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyAscii" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and releases a key.")) ((NAME . "KeyUp") (RIID . #xfffffda4) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a key.")) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #xfffffda3) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a mouse button while the pointer is over the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseMove") (RIID . #xfffffda2) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves while over the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseUp") (RIID . #xfffffda1) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a mouse button while the pointer is over the control.")) ((NAME . "DblClick") (RIID . #x00000017) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Value" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user double-clicks the .")) ((NAME . "MarqueeCycleBegin") (RIID . #x0000002d) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the caption begins a new marquee cycle.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeCycleEnd") (RIID . #x00000040) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the caption finishes a marquee cycle.")) ((NAME . "MouseEnter") (RIID . #x00000031) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves over of the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseExit") (RIID . #x00000032) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves outside the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEStartDrag") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("AllowedEffects" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEGiveFeedback") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("DefaultCursors" "VT_PTR.VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLESetData") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("DataFormat" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLECompleteDrag") (RIID . #x00000611) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEDragOver") (RIID . #x00000612) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("X" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("Y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("State" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEDragDrop") (RIID . #x00000613) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("X" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("Y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "PictureFrameChanged") (RIID . #x0000004b) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when an animated picture has changed to a new frame")))) ("SSOption" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Option Button Control")(GUID . "{065E6FDF-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(ALIASES "DSSOption""ISSOption""DSSOptionEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) ("ISSCheck" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Check Box Control")(GUID . "{065E6FE0-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Font")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the window handle of the control.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #x100) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x104) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x108) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x10c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x110) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x114) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x118) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x11c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x120) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x124) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x128) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a control.")) ((NAME . "PlaySoundFile") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x12c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")("SoundFlags" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Makes the control play a sound file.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x130) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays version information about the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x134) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x138) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x13c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x140) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AlignTo")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x144) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AlignTo")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x148) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureAlignment")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x14c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureAlignment")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")) ((NAME . "BoundValue") (RIID . #x00000041) (OFFSET . #x150) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "BoundValue") (RIID . #x00000041) (OFFSET . #x154) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "_Value") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x158) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_Value") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x15c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x0000002f) (OFFSET . #x160) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CheckBoxValue")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the logical state of the control.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x0000002f) (OFFSET . #x164) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CheckBoxValue")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the logical state of the control.")) ((NAME . "CheckBoxMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000029) (OFFSET . #x168) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in the check box graphic.")) ((NAME . "CheckBoxMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000029) (OFFSET . #x16c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in the check box graphic.")) ((NAME . "CheckBoxUseMask") (RIID . #x0000002a) (OFFSET . #x170) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in the check box graphic.")) ((NAME . "CheckBoxUseMask") (RIID . #x0000002a) (OFFSET . #x174) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in the check box graphic.")) ((NAME . "CheckBoxGraphics") (RIID . #x0000002b) (OFFSET . #x178) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used to replace the check box portion of the control.")) ((NAME . "CheckBoxGraphics") (RIID . #x0000002b) (OFFSET . #x17c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used to replace the check box portion of the control.")) ((NAME . "CheckBoxGraphics") (RIID . #x0000002b) (OFFSET . #x180) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used to replace the check box portion of the control.")) ((NAME . "TripleState") (RIID . #x0000002c) (OFFSET . #x184) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will have two or three logical states.")) ((NAME . "TripleState") (RIID . #x0000002c) (OFFSET . #x188) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will have two or three logical states.")) ((NAME . "Windowless") (RIID . #x00000043) (OFFSET . #x18c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control can operate in windowless mode.")) ((NAME . "Windowless") (RIID . #x00000043) (OFFSET . #x190) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control can operate in windowless mode.")))) ("DSSCheck" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Check Box Control")(GUID . "{065E6FE1-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a control.")) ((NAME . "PlaySoundFile") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("SoundFile" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Makes the control play a sound file.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays version information about the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_HRESULT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")))) ("DSSCheckEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Check Box Control")(GUID . "{065E6FE2-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #x00000016) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Value" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user clicks the control.")) ((NAME . "KeyDown") (RIID . #xfffffda6) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a key.")) ((NAME . "KeyPress") (RIID . #xfffffda5) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyAscii" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and releases a key.")) ((NAME . "KeyUp") (RIID . #xfffffda4) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a key.")) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #xfffffda3) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a mouse button while the pointer is over the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseMove") (RIID . #xfffffda2) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves while over the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseUp") (RIID . #xfffffda1) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a mouse button while the pointer is over the control.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeCycleBegin") (RIID . #x0000002d) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the caption begins a new marquee cycle.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeCycleEnd") (RIID . #x00000040) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the caption finishes a marquee cycle.")) ((NAME . "MouseEnter") (RIID . #x00000031) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves over of the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseExit") (RIID . #x00000032) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves outside the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEStartDrag") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("AllowedEffects" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEGiveFeedback") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("DefaultCursors" "VT_PTR.VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLESetData") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("DataFormat" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLECompleteDrag") (RIID . #x00000611) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEDragOver") (RIID . #x00000612) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("X" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("Y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("State" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEDragDrop") (RIID . #x00000613) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("X" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("Y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "PictureFrameChanged") (RIID . #x0000004b) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when an animated picture has changed to a new frame")))) ("SSCheck" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Check Box Control")(GUID . "{065E6FE3-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(ALIASES "DSSCheck""ISSCheck""DSSCheckEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) ("ISSRibbon" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Ribbon Button Control")(GUID . "{065E6FE4-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Font")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the window handle of the control.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #x100) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x104) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x108) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x10c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x110) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x114) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x118) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x11c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x120) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x124) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x128) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a control.")) ((NAME . "PlaySoundFile") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x12c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")("SoundFlags" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Makes the control play a sound file.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x130) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays version information about the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x134) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x138) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x13c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x0000002f) (OFFSET . #x140) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the logical state of the control.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x0000002f) (OFFSET . #x144) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the logical state of the control.")) ((NAME . "_Value") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x148) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_Value") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x14c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x150) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x154) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "AutoSize") (RIID . #xfffffe0c) (OFFSET . #x158) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AutoSizeButton")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will resize itself based on the picture.")) ((NAME . "AutoSize") (RIID . #xfffffe0c) (OFFSET . #x15c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AutoSizeButton")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will resize itself based on the picture.")) ((NAME . "BevelWidth") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x160) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the width of the beveled area.")) ((NAME . "BevelWidth") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x164) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the width of the beveled area.")) ((NAME . "ButtonStyle") (RIID . #x00000033) (OFFSET . #x168) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ButtonStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the appearance of the button's edges.")) ((NAME . "ButtonStyle") (RIID . #x00000033) (OFFSET . #x16c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ButtonStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the appearance of the button's edges.")) ((NAME . "Outline") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #x170) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control is displayed with an outside border.")) ((NAME . "Outline") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #x174) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control is displayed with an outside border.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x178) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x17c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabled") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x180) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the button when disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabled") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x184) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the button when disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabled") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x188) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the button when disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabledFrames") (RIID . #x00000034) (OFFSET . #x18c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used when the control is disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabledFrames") (RIID . #x00000034) (OFFSET . #x190) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used when the control is disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDn") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x194) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the 'down' state of a button.")) ((NAME . "PictureDn") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x198) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the 'down' state of a button.")) ((NAME . "PictureDn") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x19c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the 'down' state of a button.")) ((NAME . "PictureDnFrames") (RIID . #x00000035) (OFFSET . #x1a0) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used when the control is 'down'.")) ((NAME . "PictureDnFrames") (RIID . #x00000035) (OFFSET . #x1a4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used when the control is 'down'.")) ((NAME . "Shape") (RIID . #x00000049) (OFFSET . #x1a8) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object that defines the shape of a control")) ((NAME . "Shape") (RIID . #x00000049) (OFFSET . #x1ac) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object that defines the shape of a control")) ((NAME . "Shape") (RIID . #x00000049) (OFFSET . #x1b0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object that defines the shape of a control")) ((NAME . "ShapeSize") (RIID . #x0000004a) (OFFSET . #x1b4) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ShapeSize")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size relationship between a control and its shape")) ((NAME . "ShapeSize") (RIID . #x0000004a) (OFFSET . #x1b8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ShapeSize")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size relationship between a control and its shape")) ((NAME . "RoundedCorners") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #x1bc) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will have rounded corners.")) ((NAME . "RoundedCorners") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #x1c0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will have rounded corners.")) ((NAME . "GroupNumber") (RIID . #x00000018) (OFFSET . #x1c4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the group number of a button.")) ((NAME . "GroupNumber") (RIID . #x00000018) (OFFSET . #x1c8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the group number of a button.")) ((NAME . "GroupAllowAllUp") (RIID . #x00000019) (OFFSET . #x1cc) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether all buttons in a group can be up.")) ((NAME . "GroupAllowAllUp") (RIID . #x00000019) (OFFSET . #x1d0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether all buttons in a group can be up.")) ((NAME . "PictureDnChange") (RIID . #x0000001a) (OFFSET . #x1d4) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureDnChange")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the way the 'down' state of a button is created.")) ((NAME . "PictureDnChange") (RIID . #x0000001a) (OFFSET . #x1d8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureDnChange")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the way the 'down' state of a button is created.")) ((NAME . "PictureUp") (RIID . #x0000001d) (OFFSET . #x1dc) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "PictureUp") (RIID . #x0000001d) (OFFSET . #x1e0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "PictureUp") (RIID . #x0000001d) (OFFSET . #x1e4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "PictureDnDisabled") (RIID . #x00000039) (OFFSET . #x1e8) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the 'down' state of a button when it's disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDnDisabled") (RIID . #x00000039) (OFFSET . #x1ec) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the 'down' state of a button when it's disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDnDisabled") (RIID . #x00000039) (OFFSET . #x1f0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the 'down' state of a button when it's disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDnDisabledFrames") (RIID . #x0000003a) (OFFSET . #x1f4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used when the control is 'down' and disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDnDisabledFrames") (RIID . #x0000003a) (OFFSET . #x1f8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used when the control is 'down' and disabled.")) ((NAME . "Windowless") (RIID . #x00000043) (OFFSET . #x1fc) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control can operate in windowless mode.")) ((NAME . "Windowless") (RIID . #x00000043) (OFFSET . #x200) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control can operate in windowless mode.")))) ("DSSRibbonEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Ribbon Button Control")(GUID . "{065E6FE5-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #x00000016) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Value" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user clicks the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #xfffffda3) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a mouse button while the pointer is over the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseMove") (RIID . #xfffffda2) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves while over the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseUp") (RIID . #xfffffda1) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a mouse button while the pointer is over the control.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeCycleBegin") (RIID . #x0000002d) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the caption begins a new marquee cycle.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeCycleEnd") (RIID . #x00000040) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the caption finishes a marquee cycle.")) ((NAME . "MouseEnter") (RIID . #x00000031) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves over of the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseExit") (RIID . #x00000032) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves outside the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEStartDrag") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("AllowedEffects" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEGiveFeedback") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("DefaultCursors" "VT_PTR.VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLESetData") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("DataFormat" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLECompleteDrag") (RIID . #x00000611) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEDragOver") (RIID . #x00000612) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("X" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("Y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("State" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEDragDrop") (RIID . #x00000613) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("X" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("Y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "PictureFrameChanged") (RIID . #x0000004b) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when an animated picture has changed to a new frame")))) ("SSRibbon" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Ribbon Button Control")(GUID . "{065E6FE6-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(ALIASES "ISSRibbon""DSSRibbonEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) ("ISSCommand" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Command Button Control")(GUID . "{065E6FE7-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "ActiveColors") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the picture changes to grayscale when the mouse pointer is not over the control")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationDelay") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets milliseconds between frames of an animation.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationEnabled") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the animation will play or not.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the background color of the control.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "BackStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe0a) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_BackStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the background of the control will be opaque or transparent.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "CaptionStyle") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_CaptionStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether caption text will be wrapped.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the object can be selected by the user.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Font")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Font")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the properties of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "Font3D") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Font3D")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the 3-D style of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontBold") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the bold style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontItalic") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the italic style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontName") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the name of the Font object's font.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontStrikethru") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the strikethrough style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "FontUnderline") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the underline style of the Font object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the foreground (text) color of the control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets the window handle of the control.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDelay") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling speed of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeDirection") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeDirection")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the scrolling direction of the caption text.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeScrollAmount") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of pixels the caption will scroll after each delay.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeStyle") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MarqueeStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the type of marquee effect the caption will have.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #xfffffdf6) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the mouse pointer when the MousePointer property is set to Custom.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #xfffffdf7) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_MousePointer")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the pointer displayed when the mouse is over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_OLEDrop")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #xfffffdf5) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object for display.")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureAnimationCount") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of times an animation is played")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrame") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the current frame of an animation")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureFrames") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #x100) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x104) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #x108) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the color that will become transparent in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x10c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureMaskColorSource") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x110) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_PictureMaskColorSource")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the source of the color used for transparency masking")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x114) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "PictureUseMask") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #x118) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether to use the transparent color in a picture.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x11c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x120) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "TagVariant") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #x124) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets an extra data storage value for the control.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x128) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a control.")) ((NAME . "PlaySoundFile") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x12c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")("SoundFlags" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Makes the control play a sound file.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x130) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays version information about the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x134) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x138) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #xfffffdfa) (OFFSET . #x13c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption text of the control.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x0000002f) (OFFSET . #x140) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the logical state of the control.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x0000002f) (OFFSET . #x144) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the logical state of the control.")) ((NAME . "_Value") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x148) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_Value") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x14c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x150) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x154) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the caption's alignment to the control.")) ((NAME . "AutoSize") (RIID . #xfffffe0c) (OFFSET . #x158) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AutoSizeButton")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will resize itself based on the picture.")) ((NAME . "AutoSize") (RIID . #xfffffe0c) (OFFSET . #x15c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_AutoSizeButton")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will resize itself based on the picture.")) ((NAME . "BevelWidth") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x160) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the width of the beveled area.")) ((NAME . "BevelWidth") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x164) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the width of the beveled area.")) ((NAME . "ButtonStyle") (RIID . #x00000033) (OFFSET . #x168) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ButtonStyle")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the appearance of the button's edges.")) ((NAME . "ButtonStyle") (RIID . #x00000033) (OFFSET . #x16c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ButtonStyle")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the appearance of the button's edges.")) ((NAME . "Outline") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #x170) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control is displayed with an outside border.")) ((NAME . "Outline") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #x174) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control is displayed with an outside border.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x178) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #x17c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_Alignment")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets how the picture will be aligned on the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabled") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x180) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the button when disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabled") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x184) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the button when disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabled") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x188) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the button when disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabledFrames") (RIID . #x00000034) (OFFSET . #x18c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used when the control is disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDisabledFrames") (RIID . #x00000034) (OFFSET . #x190) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used when the control is disabled.")) ((NAME . "PictureDn") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x194) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the 'down' state of a button.")) ((NAME . "PictureDn") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x198) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the 'down' state of a button.")) ((NAME . "PictureDn") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x19c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the picture used for the 'down' state of a button.")) ((NAME . "PictureDnFrames") (RIID . #x00000035) (OFFSET . #x1a0) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used when the control is 'down'.")) ((NAME . "PictureDnFrames") (RIID . #x00000035) (OFFSET . #x1a4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the number of animation frames used when the control is 'down'.")) ((NAME . "Shape") (RIID . #x00000049) (OFFSET . #x1a8) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.Picture")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object that defines the shape of a control")) ((NAME . "Shape") (RIID . #x00000049) (OFFSET . #x1ac) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object that defines the shape of a control")) ((NAME . "Shape") (RIID . #x00000049) (OFFSET . #x1b0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_PTR.Picture")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets a Picture object that defines the shape of a control")) ((NAME . "ShapeSize") (RIID . #x0000004a) (OFFSET . #x1b4) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ShapeSize")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size relationship between a control and its shape")) ((NAME . "ShapeSize") (RIID . #x0000004a) (OFFSET . #x1b8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.Constants_ShapeSize")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets the size relationship between a control and its shape")) ((NAME . "RoundedCorners") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #x1bc) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will have rounded corners.")) ((NAME . "RoundedCorners") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #x1c0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will have rounded corners.")) ((NAME . "AutoRepeat") (RIID . #x00000037) (OFFSET . #x1c4) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will click repeatedly when the mouse is held down.")) ((NAME . "AutoRepeat") (RIID . #x00000037) (OFFSET . #x1c8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control will click repeatedly when the mouse is held down.")) ((NAME . "DoClick") (RIID . #xfffffdd9) (OFFSET . #x1cc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Triggers the Click event of the control.")) ((NAME . "Windowless") (RIID . #x00000043) (OFFSET . #x1d0) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control can operate in windowless mode.")) ((NAME . "Windowless") (RIID . #x00000043) (OFFSET . #x1d4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Sound" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Gets/sets whether the control can operate in windowless mode.")))) ("DSSCommandEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Command Button Control")(GUID . "{065E6FE8-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #x00000016) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user clicks the control.")) ((NAME . "KeyDown") (RIID . #xfffffda6) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a key.")) ((NAME . "KeyPress") (RIID . #xfffffda5) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyAscii" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and releases a key.")) ((NAME . "KeyUp") (RIID . #xfffffda4) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a key.")) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #xfffffda3) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a mouse button while the pointer is over the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseMove") (RIID . #xfffffda2) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves while over the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseUp") (RIID . #xfffffda1) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a mouse button while the pointer is over the control.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeCycleBegin") (RIID . #x0000002d) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the caption begins a new marquee cycle.")) ((NAME . "MarqueeCycleEnd") (RIID . #x00000040) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the caption finishes a marquee cycle.")) ((NAME . "MouseEnter") (RIID . #x00000031) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves over of the control.")) ((NAME . "MouseExit") (RIID . #x00000032) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the pointer moves outside the control.")) ((NAME . "OLEStartDrag") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("AllowedEffects" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEGiveFeedback") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("DefaultCursors" "VT_PTR.VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLESetData") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("DataFormat" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLECompleteDrag") (RIID . #x00000611) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEDragOver") (RIID . #x00000612) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("X" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("Y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("State" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEDragDrop") (RIID . #x00000613) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.SSDataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("X" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("Y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "PictureFrameChanged") (RIID . #x0000004b) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when an animated picture has changed to a new frame")))) ("SSCommand" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "The Sheridan ActiveThreed Command Button Control")(GUID . "{065E6FE9-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}")(ALIASES "ISSCommand""DSSCommandEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) )))