#S(HASH-TABLE EQL (FILENAME . "c:\program files\microsoft office\office\msowcf.dll")(GUID . "{5D0A2606-B783-11D1-B901-00AA00585640}")(DESCRIPTION . "Microsoft Office Web Components Function Library")(VERSION . "1.0") (CLASSES . #S(HASH-TABLE EQUAL ("OCFunc" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "OCFunc Class")(GUID . "{D7546AAE-A77A-11D1-B901-00AA00585640}")(ALIASES "IOCFunc") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IOCFunc" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "IOCFunc Interface")(GUID . "{D7546AAD-A77A-11D1-B901-00AA00585640}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ACOSH") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number.")) ((NAME . "ASINH") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.")) ((NAME . "ATANH") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number.")) ((NAME . "CEILING") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("significance" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Rounds a number to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance.")) ((NAME . "COMBIN") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("number_chosen" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of combinations for a given number of items.")) ((NAME . "COSH") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number.")) ((NAME . "EVEN") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns number rounded up to the nearest even integer.")) ((NAME . "FLOOR") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("significance" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Rounds number down, toward zero, to the nearest multiple of significance.")) ((NAME . "ODD") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns number rounded up to the nearest odd integer.")) ((NAME . "ROMAN") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("form" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts an arabic numeral to roman, as text.")) ((NAME . "ROUNDDOWN") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("num_digits" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Rounds a number down, toward zero.")) ((NAME . "ROUNDUP") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("num_digits" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Rounds a number up, away from 0 (zero).")) ((NAME . "SIGN") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Determines the sign of a number.")) ((NAME . "SINH") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number.")) ((NAME . "SUMX2MY2") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array_x" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("array_y" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the sum of the difference of squares of corresponding values in two arrays.")) ((NAME . "SUMX2PY2") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array_x" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("array_y" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the sum of the sum of squares of corresponding values in two arrays.")) ((NAME . "SUMXMY2") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array_x" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("array_y" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the sum of squares of differences of corresponding values in two arrays.")) ((NAME . "TANH") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number.")) ((NAME . "BETADIST") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("alpha" "VT_R8")("beta" "VT_R8")("A" "VT_R8")("B" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the cumulative beta probability density function.")) ((NAME . "BETAINV") (RIID . #x00000014) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("probability" "VT_R8")("alpha" "VT_R8")("beta" "VT_R8")("A" "VT_R8")("B" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the inverse of the cumulative beta probability density function.")) ((NAME . "BINOMDIST") (RIID . #x00000015) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number_s" "VT_R8")("trials" "VT_R8")("probability_s" "VT_R8")("cumulative" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the individual term binomial distribution probability.")) ((NAME . "CHIDIST") (RIID . #x00000016) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("degrees_freedom" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution.")) ((NAME . "CHIINV") (RIID . #x00000017) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("probability" "VT_R8")("degrees_freedom" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the inverse of the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution.")) ((NAME . "CHITEST") (RIID . #x00000018) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("actual_range" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("expected_range" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the test for independence.")) ((NAME . "CONFIDENCE") (RIID . #x00000019) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("alpha" "VT_R8")("standard_dev" "VT_R8")("size" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the confidence interval for a population mean.")) ((NAME . "CORREL") (RIID . #x0000001a) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array1" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("array2" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the correlation coefficient of the array1 and array2 cell ranges.")) ((NAME . "COVAR") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array1" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("array2" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns covariance, the average of the products of deviations for each data point pair.")) ((NAME . "CRITBINOM") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("trials" "VT_R8")("probability_s" "VT_R8")("alpha" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to a criterion value.")) ((NAME . "EXPONDIST") (RIID . #x0000001d) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("lambda" "VT_R8")("cumulative" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the exponential distribution.")) ((NAME . "FDIST") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("degrees_freedom1" "VT_R8")("degrees_freedom2" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the F probability distribution.")) ((NAME . "FINV") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("probability" "VT_R8")("degrees_freedom1" "VT_R8")("degrees_freedom2" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the inverse of the F probability distribution.")) ((NAME . "FISHER") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the Fisher transformation at x.")) ((NAME . "FISHERINV") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("y" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the inverse of the Fisher transformation.")) ((NAME . "FTEST") (RIID . #x00000022) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array1" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("array2" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the result of an F-test.")) ((NAME . "GAMMADIST") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("alpha" "VT_R8")("beta" "VT_R8")("cumulative" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the gamma distribution.")) ((NAME . "GAMMAINV") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("probability" "VT_R8")("alpha" "VT_R8")("beta" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution.")) ((NAME . "GAMMALN") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function, G(x).")) ((NAME . "HYPGEOMDIST") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("sample_s" "VT_R8")("number_sample" "VT_R8")("population_s" "VT_R8")("number_population" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the hypergeometric distribution.")) ((NAME . "INTERCEPT") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("known_y" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("known_x" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Calculates the point at which a line will intersect the y-axis by using existing x-values and y-values.")) ((NAME . "KURT") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("numbers" "VT_PTR.VT_SAFEARRAY")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the kurtosis of a data set.")) ((NAME . "LARGE") (RIID . #x00000029) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("k" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the k-th largest value in a data set.")) ((NAME . "LOGINV") (RIID . #x0000002a) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("probability" "VT_R8")("mean" "VT_R8")("standard_dev" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the inverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution function of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed with parameters mean and standard_dev.")) ((NAME . "LOGNORMDIST") (RIID . #x0000002b) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("mean" "VT_R8")("standard_dev" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the cumulative lognormal distribution of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed with parameters mean and standard_dev.")) ((NAME . "MODE") (RIID . #x0000002c) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("numbers" "VT_PTR.VT_SAFEARRAY")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the most frequently occurring, or repetitive, value in an array or range of data.")) ((NAME . "NEGBINOMDIST") (RIID . #x0000002d) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number_f" "VT_R8")("number_s" "VT_R8")("probability_s" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the negative binomial distribution.")) ((NAME . "NORMDIST") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("mean" "VT_R8")("standard_dev" "VT_R8")("cumulative" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the normal cumulative distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation.")) ((NAME . "NORMINV") (RIID . #x0000002f) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("probability" "VT_R8")("mean" "VT_R8")("standard_dev" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation.")) ((NAME . "NORMSDIST") (RIID . #x00000030) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("z" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution function.")) ((NAME . "NORMSINV") (RIID . #x00000031) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("probability" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution.")) ((NAME . "PEARSON") (RIID . #x00000032) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array1" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("array2" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, r, a dimensionless index that ranges from -1.0 to 1.0 inclusive and reflects the extent of a linear relationship between two data sets.")) ((NAME . "PERCENTILE") (RIID . #x00000033) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("k" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the k-th percentile of values in a range.")) ((NAME . "PERCENTRANK") (RIID . #x00000034) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("x" "VT_R8")("significance" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage of the data set.")) ((NAME . "PERMUT") (RIID . #x00000035) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("number_chosen" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects that can be selected from number objects.")) ((NAME . "POISSON") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("mean" "VT_R8")("cumulative" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the Poisson distribution.")) ((NAME . "PROB") (RIID . #x00000037) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x_range" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("prob_range" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("lower_limit" "VT_R8")("upper_limit" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the probability that values in a range are between two limits.")) ((NAME . "QUARTILE") (RIID . #x00000038) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("quart" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the quartile of a data set.")) ((NAME . "RANK") (RIID . #x00000039) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("ref" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("order" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers.")) ((NAME . "RSQ") (RIID . #x0000003a) (OFFSET . #x100) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("known_y" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("known_x" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in known_y's and known_x's.")) ((NAME . "SKEW") (RIID . #x0000003b) (OFFSET . #x104) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("numbers" "VT_PTR.VT_SAFEARRAY")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the skewness of a distribution.")) ((NAME . "SLOPE") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #x108) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("known_y" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("known_x" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the slope of the linear regression line through data points in known_y's and known_x's.")) ((NAME . "SMALL") (RIID . #x0000003d) (OFFSET . #x10c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("k" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the k-th smallest value in a data set.")) ((NAME . "STANDARDIZE") (RIID . #x0000003e) (OFFSET . #x110) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("mean" "VT_R8")("standard_dev" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a normalized value from a distribution characterized by mean and standard_dev.")) ((NAME . "STEYX") (RIID . #x0000003f) (OFFSET . #x114) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("known_y" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("known_x" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in the regression.")) ((NAME . "SUMPRODUCT") (RIID . #x00000040) (OFFSET . #x118) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("numbers" "VT_PTR.VT_SAFEARRAY")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Multiplies corresponding components in the given arrays, and returns the sum of those products.")) ((NAME . "TDIST") (RIID . #x00000041) (OFFSET . #x11c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("degrees_freedom" "VT_R8")("tails" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the Student's t-distribution.")) ((NAME . "TINV") (RIID . #x00000042) (OFFSET . #x120) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("probability" "VT_R8")("degrees_freedom" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the inverse of the Student's t-distribution for the specified degrees of freedom.")) ((NAME . "TRIMMEAN") (RIID . #x00000043) (OFFSET . #x124) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("percent" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the mean of the interior of a data set.")) ((NAME . "TTEST") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #x128) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array1" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("array2" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("tails" "VT_R8")("type" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the probability associated with a Student's t-Test.")) ((NAME . "WEIBULL") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #x12c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("alpha" "VT_R8")("beta" "VT_R8")("cumulative" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the Weibull distribution.")) ((NAME . "ZTEST") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x130) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("array" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("x" "VT_R8")("sigma" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the two-tailed P-value of a z-test.")) ((NAME . "DB") (RIID . #x00000047) (OFFSET . #x134) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("cost" "VT_R8")("salvage" "VT_R8")("life" "VT_R8")("period" "VT_R8")("month" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the fixed-declining balance method.")) ((NAME . "IPMT") (RIID . #x00000048) (OFFSET . #x138) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("rate" "VT_R8")("per" "VT_R8")("nper" "VT_R8")("pv" "VT_R8")("fv" "VT_R8")("type" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the interest payment for a given period for an investment based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate.")) ((NAME . "MIRR") (RIID . #x00000049) (OFFSET . #x13c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("values" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("finance_rate" "VT_R8")("reinvest_rate" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows.")) ((NAME . "CHAR") (RIID . #x0000004a) (OFFSET . #x140) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the character specified by a number.")) ((NAME . "CODE") (RIID . #x0000004b) (OFFSET . #x144) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("text" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string.")) ((NAME . "ASC") (RIID . #x0000004c) (OFFSET . #x148) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a character representation of the argument.")))) ("IXRangeEnum" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "IXRangeEnum Interface")(GUID . "{BB314990-3692-11D1-B1CE-00A0C9056619}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Next") (RIID . #x60020000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("celt" "VT_UI4")("rgvar" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pceltFetched" "VT_PTR.VT_UI4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "method IXRangeEnum.Next")) ((NAME . "Skip") (RIID . #x60020001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("celt" "VT_UI4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Reset") (RIID . #x60020002) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Clone") (RIID . #x60020003) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("ppenum" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "SetTraversal") (RIID . #x60020004) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("nTraverseCode" "VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ChangeType") (RIID . #x60020005) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pvarOut" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pvarIn" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("vt" "VT_UI2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetElements") (RIID . #x60020006) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("celt" "VT_UI4")("iStart" "VT_UI4")("rvarDest" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pcFetched" "VT_PTR.VT_UI4")("vtCoerceTo" "VT_UI2")("vtbCoerceFrom" "VT_UI4")("pvarFill" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "RowCount") (RIID . #x60020007) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_UINT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Number of rows in the enumeration.")) ((NAME . "ColCount") (RIID . #x60020008) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_UINT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Number of columns in the enumeration.")))) ("OCATP" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "OCATP Class")(GUID . "{D7546ABD-A77A-11D1-B901-00AA00585640}")(ALIASES "IOCATP") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IOCATP" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "IOCATP Interface")(GUID . "{D7546ABC-A77A-11D1-B901-00AA00585640}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ISEVEN") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns TRUE if number is even, or FALSE if number is odd.")) ((NAME . "ISODD") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns TRUE if number is odd, or FALSE if number is even.")) ((NAME . "FACTDOUBLE") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the double factorial of a number.")) ((NAME . "GCD") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("numbers" "VT_PTR.VT_SAFEARRAY")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the greatest common divisor of two or more integers.")) ((NAME . "LCM") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("numbers" "VT_PTR.VT_SAFEARRAY")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the least common multiple of integers.")) ((NAME . "MROUND") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("multiple" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a number rounded to the desired multiple.")) ((NAME . "MULTINOMIAL") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("numbers" "VT_PTR.VT_SAFEARRAY")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the ratio of the factorial of a sum of values to the product of factorials.")) ((NAME . "QUOTIENT") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("numerator" "VT_R8")("denominator" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the integer portion of a division.")) ((NAME . "RANDBETWEEN") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("bottom" "VT_R8")("top" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a random number between the numbers you specify.")) ((NAME . "SERIESSUM") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("n" "VT_R8")("m" "VT_R8")("coefficients" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the sum of a power series.")) ((NAME . "SQRTPI") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the square root of (number * pi).")) ((NAME . "EDATE") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("start_date" "VT_R8")("months" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the serial number that represents the date that is the indicated number of months before or after a specified date (the start_date).")) ((NAME . "EOMONTH") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("start_date" "VT_R8")("months" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the serial number date for the last day of the month that is the indicated number of months before or after start_date.")) ((NAME . "NETWORKDAYS") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("start_date" "VT_R8")("end_date" "VT_R8")("holidays" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of whole working days between start_date and end_date.")) ((NAME . "WEEKNUM") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("serial_num" "VT_R8")("return_type" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a number that indicates where the week falls numerically within a year.")) ((NAME . "WORKDAY") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("start_date" "VT_R8")("days" "VT_R8")("holidays" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a number that represents a date that is the indicated number of working days before or after start_date.")) ((NAME . "YEARFRAC") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("start_date" "VT_R8")("end_date" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Calculates the fraction of the year represented by the number of whole days between two dates (the start_date and the end_date).")) ((NAME . "BESSELI") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("n" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the modified Bessel function, which is equivalent to the Bessel function evaluated for purely imaginary arguments.")) ((NAME . "BESSELJ") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("n" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the Bessel function.")) ((NAME . "BESSELK") (RIID . #x00000014) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("n" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the modified Bessel function, which is equivalent to the Bessel functions evaluated for purely imaginary arguments.")) ((NAME . "BESSELY") (RIID . #x00000015) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")("n" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the Bessel function, which is also called the Weber function or the Neumann function.")) ((NAME . "BIN2DEC") (RIID . #x00000016) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts a binary number to decimal.")) ((NAME . "BIN2HEX") (RIID . #x00000017) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("places" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal.")) ((NAME . "BIN2OCT") (RIID . #x00000018) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("places" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts a binary number to octal.")) ((NAME . "COMPLEX") (RIID . #x00000019) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("real_num" "VT_R8")("i_num" "VT_R8")("suffix" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number of the form x + yi or x + yj.")) ((NAME . "CONVERT") (RIID . #x0000001a) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("from_unit" "VT_BSTR")("to_unit" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts a number from one measurement system to another.")) ((NAME . "DEC2BIN") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("places" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts a decimal number to binary.")) ((NAME . "DEC2HEX") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("places" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal.")) ((NAME . "DEC2OCT") (RIID . #x0000001d) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("places" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts a decimal number to octal.")) ((NAME . "DELTA") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number1" "VT_R8")("number2" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Tests whether two values are equal.")) ((NAME . "ERF") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("lower_limit" "VT_R8")("upper_limit" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the error function integrated between lower_limit and upper_limit.")) ((NAME . "ERFC") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the complementary ERF function integrated between x and infinity.")) ((NAME . "GESTEP") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("step" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns 1 if number ³ step; returns 0 (zero) otherwise.")) ((NAME . "HEX2BIN") (RIID . #x00000022) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_BSTR")("places" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary.")) ((NAME . "HEX2DEC") (RIID . #x00000023) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal.")) ((NAME . "HEX2OCT") (RIID . #x00000024) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_BSTR")("places" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal.")) ((NAME . "IMABS") (RIID . #x00000025) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.")) ((NAME . "IMAGINARY") (RIID . #x00000026) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.")) ((NAME . "IMARGUMENT") (RIID . #x00000027) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the argument theta, an angle expressed in radians")) ((NAME . "IMCONJUGATE") (RIID . #x00000028) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.")) ((NAME . "IMCOS") (RIID . #x00000029) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the cosine of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.")) ((NAME . "IMDIV") (RIID . #x0000002a) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber1" "VT_BSTR")("inumber2" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers in x + yi or x + yj text format.")) ((NAME . "IMEXP") (RIID . #x0000002b) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the exponential of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.")) ((NAME . "IMLN") (RIID . #x0000002c) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.")) ((NAME . "IMLOG10") (RIID . #x0000002d) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the common logarithm (base 10) of a complex number in x + yi or ")) ((NAME . "IMLOG2") (RIID . #x0000002e) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.")) ((NAME . "IMPOWER") (RIID . #x0000002f) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber" "VT_BSTR")("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format raised to a power.")) ((NAME . "IMPRODUCT") (RIID . #x00000030) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumbers" "VT_PTR.VT_SAFEARRAY")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the product of 2 to 29 complex numbers in x + yi or x + yj text format.")) ((NAME . "IMREAL") (RIID . #x00000031) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.")) ((NAME . "IMSIN") (RIID . #x00000032) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the sine of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.")) ((NAME . "IMSQRT") (RIID . #x00000033) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the square root of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.")) ((NAME . "IMSUB") (RIID . #x00000034) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumber1" "VT_BSTR")("inumber2" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the difference of two complex numbers in x + yi or x + yj text format.")) ((NAME . "IMSUM") (RIID . #x00000035) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("inumbers" "VT_PTR.VT_SAFEARRAY")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the sum of two or more complex numbers in x + yi or x + yj text format.")) ((NAME . "OCT2BIN") (RIID . #x00000036) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("places" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts an octal number to binary.")) ((NAME . "OCT2DEC") (RIID . #x00000037) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts an octal number to decimal.")) ((NAME . "OCT2HEX") (RIID . #x00000038) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("number" "VT_R8")("places" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts an octal number to hexadecimal.")) ((NAME . "ACCRINT") (RIID . #x00000039) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("issue" "VT_R8")("first_interest" "VT_R8")("settlement" "VT_R8")("rate" "VT_R8")("par" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest.")) ((NAME . "ACCRINTM") (RIID . #x0000003a) (OFFSET . #x100) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("issue" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("rate" "VT_R8")("par" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity.")) ((NAME . "AMORDEGRC") (RIID . #x0000003b) (OFFSET . #x104) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("cost" "VT_R8")("date_purchased" "VT_R8")("first_period" "VT_R8")("salvage" "VT_R8")("period" "VT_R8")("rate" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the depreciation for each accounting period.")) ((NAME . "AMORLINC") (RIID . #x0000003c) (OFFSET . #x108) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("cost" "VT_R8")("date_purchased" "VT_R8")("first_period" "VT_R8")("salvage" "VT_R8")("period" "VT_R8")("rate" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the depreciation for each accounting period.")) ((NAME . "COUPDAYBS") (RIID . #x0000003d) (OFFSET . #x10c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date.")) ((NAME . "COUPDAYS") (RIID . #x0000003e) (OFFSET . #x110) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date.")) ((NAME . "COUPDAYSNC") (RIID . #x0000003f) (OFFSET . #x114) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date.")) ((NAME . "COUPNCD") (RIID . #x00000040) (OFFSET . #x118) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a number that represents the next coupon date after the settlement date.")) ((NAME . "COUPNUM") (RIID . #x00000041) (OFFSET . #x11c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date, rounded up to the nearest whole coupon.")) ((NAME . "COUPPCD") (RIID . #x00000042) (OFFSET . #x120) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a number that represents the previous coupon date before the settlement date.")) ((NAME . "CUMIPMT") (RIID . #x00000043) (OFFSET . #x124) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("rate" "VT_R8")("nper" "VT_R8")("pv" "VT_R8")("start_period" "VT_R8")("end_period" "VT_R8")("type" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the cumulative interest paid on a loan between start_period and end_period.")) ((NAME . "CUMPRINC") (RIID . #x00000044) (OFFSET . #x128) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("rate" "VT_R8")("nper" "VT_R8")("pv" "VT_R8")("start_period" "VT_R8")("end_period" "VT_R8")("type" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the cumulative principal paid on a loan between start_period and end_period.")) ((NAME . "DISC") (RIID . #x00000045) (OFFSET . #x12c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("pr" "VT_R8")("redemption" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the discount rate for a security.")) ((NAME . "DOLLARDE") (RIID . #x00000046) (OFFSET . #x130) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("fractional_dollar" "VT_R8")("fraction" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts a dollar price expressed as a fraction into a dollar price expressed as a decimal number.")) ((NAME . "DOLLARFR") (RIID . #x00000047) (OFFSET . #x134) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("decimal_dollar" "VT_R8")("fraction" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Converts a dollar price expressed as a decimal number into a dollar price expressed as a fraction.")) ((NAME . "DURATION") (RIID . #x00000048) (OFFSET . #x138) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("coupon" "VT_R8")("yld" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the Macauley duration for an assumed par value of $100.")) ((NAME . "EFFECT") (RIID . #x00000049) (OFFSET . #x13c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("nominal_rate" "VT_R8")("npery" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the effective annual interest rate, given the nominal annual interest rate and the number of compounding periods per year.")) ((NAME . "FVSCHEDULE") (RIID . #x0000004a) (OFFSET . #x140) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("principal" "VT_R8")("schedule" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates.")) ((NAME . "INTRATE") (RIID . #x0000004b) (OFFSET . #x144) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("investment" "VT_R8")("redemption" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security.")) ((NAME . "MDURATION") (RIID . #x0000004c) (OFFSET . #x148) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("coupon" "VT_R8")("yld" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the modified duration for a security with an assumed par value of $100.")) ((NAME . "NOMINAL") (RIID . #x0000004d) (OFFSET . #x14c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("effect_rate" "VT_R8")("npery" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the nominal annual interest rate, given the effective rate and the number of compounding periods per year.")) ((NAME . "ODDFPRICE") (RIID . #x0000004e) (OFFSET . #x150) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("issue" "VT_R8")("first_coupon" "VT_R8")("rate" "VT_R8")("yld" "VT_R8")("redemption" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security having an odd (short or long) first period.")) ((NAME . "ODDFYIELD") (RIID . #x0000004f) (OFFSET . #x154) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("issue" "VT_R8")("first_coupon" "VT_R8")("rate" "VT_R8")("pr" "VT_R8")("redemption" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the yield of a security that has an odd (short or long) first period.")) ((NAME . "ODDLPRICE") (RIID . #x00000050) (OFFSET . #x158) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("last_interest" "VT_R8")("rate" "VT_R8")("yld" "VT_R8")("redemption" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security having an odd (short or long) last coupon period.")) ((NAME . "ODDLYIELD") (RIID . #x00000051) (OFFSET . #x15c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("last_interest" "VT_R8")("rate" "VT_R8")("pr" "VT_R8")("redemption" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the yield of a security that has an odd (short or long) last period.")) ((NAME . "PRICE") (RIID . #x00000052) (OFFSET . #x160) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("rate" "VT_R8")("yld" "VT_R8")("redemption" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest.")) ((NAME . "PRICEDISC") (RIID . #x00000053) (OFFSET . #x164) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("discount" "VT_R8")("redemption" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security.")) ((NAME . "PRICEMAT") (RIID . #x00000054) (OFFSET . #x168) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("issue" "VT_R8")("rate" "VT_R8")("yld" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity.")) ((NAME . "RECEIVED") (RIID . #x00000055) (OFFSET . #x16c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("investment" "VT_R8")("discount" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security.")) ((NAME . "TBILLEQ") (RIID . #x00000056) (OFFSET . #x170) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("discount" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill.")) ((NAME . "TBILLPRICE") (RIID . #x00000057) (OFFSET . #x174) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("discount" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the price per $100 face value for a treasury bill.")) ((NAME . "TBILLYIELD") (RIID . #x00000058) (OFFSET . #x178) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("pr" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the yield for a treasury bill.")) ((NAME . "XIRR") (RIID . #x00000059) (OFFSET . #x17c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("values" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("dates" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("guess" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic.")) ((NAME . "XNPV") (RIID . #x0000005a) (OFFSET . #x180) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("rate" "VT_R8")("values" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")("dates" "VT_PTR.IXRangeEnum")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic.")) ((NAME . "YIELD") (RIID . #x0000005b) (OFFSET . #x184) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("rate" "VT_R8")("pr" "VT_R8")("redemption" "VT_R8")("frequency" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest.")) ((NAME . "YIELDDISC") (RIID . #x0000005c) (OFFSET . #x188) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("pr" "VT_R8")("redemption" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security.")) ((NAME . "YIELDMAT") (RIID . #x0000005d) (OFFSET . #x18c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("settlement" "VT_R8")("maturity" "VT_R8")("issue" "VT_R8")("rate" "VT_R8")("pr" "VT_R8")("basis" "VT_R8")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity.")))) )))