#S(HASH-TABLE EQL (FILENAME . "c:\winnt\system32\msoutl32.ocx")(GUID . "{BE4F3AC8-AEC9-101A-947B-00DD010F7B46}")(DESCRIPTION . "Microsoft Outline Control")(VERSION . "1.0") (CLASSES . #S(HASH-TABLE EQUAL ("MousePointerConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("StyleConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("BorderStyleConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ErrorConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("PictureTypeConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("IOutlineCtrl" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "MSOutline Controln Controlone of the arrows of a spin button.as the focus. again over an object.")(GUID . "{BE4F3AC6-AEC9-101A-947B-00DD010F7B46}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x00000015) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Clears all property settings of the Err object. a spin button.as the focus. again over an object.")) ((NAME . "RemoveItem") (RIID . #x00000016) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes an item and its subordinate items from the control at run time.ocus. again over an object.")) ((NAME . "AddItem") (RIID . #x00000017) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Item" "VT_BSTR")("Index" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds an item to the control at run time. from the control at run time.ocus. again over an object.")) ((NAME . "List") (RIID . #x00000018) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Determines the items contained in the controls list portion.run time.ocus. again over an object.")) ((NAME . "List") (RIID . #x00000018) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")("Index" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Determines the items contained in the controls list portion.run time.ocus. again over an object.")) ((NAME . "Indent") (RIID . #x00000019) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "TNUM_NOT_FOUNDitems contained in the controls list portion.run time.ocus. again over an object.")) ((NAME . "Indent") (RIID . #x00000019) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")("Index" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "TNUM_NOT_FOUNDitems contained in the controls list portion.run time.ocus. again over an object.")) ((NAME . "FullPath") (RIID . #x0000001a) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the fully qualified name of an item.s list portion.run time.ocus. again over an object.")) ((NAME . "FullPath") (RIID . #x0000001a) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")("Index" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the fully qualified name of an item.s list portion.run time.ocus. again over an object.")) ((NAME . "Expand") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Specifies whether an item is expanded (subordinate items are visible).ocus. again over an object.")) ((NAME . "Expand") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")("Index" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Specifies whether an item is expanded (subordinate items are visible).ocus. again over an object.")) ((NAME . "ItemData") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "ItemData") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")("Index" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "PictureType") (RIID . #x0000001d) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets an integer representing the PictureClosed, PictureOpen, or PictureLeaf picture.object.")) ((NAME . "PictureType") (RIID . #x0000001d) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")("Index" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets an integer representing the PictureClosed, PictureOpen, or PictureLeaf picture.object.")) ((NAME . "HasSubItems") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Indicates whether an item has subordinate items.losed, PictureOpen, or PictureLeaf picture.object.")) ((NAME . "HasSubItems") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")("Index" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Indicates whether an item has subordinate items.losed, PictureOpen, or PictureLeaf picture.object.")) ((NAME . "IsItemVisible") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Indicates whether an item is currently visible.losed, PictureOpen, or PictureLeaf picture.object.")) ((NAME . "IsItemVisible") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")("Index" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Indicates whether an item is currently visible.losed, PictureOpen, or PictureLeaf picture.object.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a form or control.losed, PictureOpen, or PictureLeaf picture.object.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("OutlineEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{5FEC78AD-BE49-101A-947B-00DD010F7B46}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object.eLeaf picture.object.")) ((NAME . "Collapse") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("ListIndex" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs whenever an item is collapsed (the subordinate items are hidden).ect.eLeaf picture.object.")) ((NAME . "DblClick") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when you press and release a mouse button and then press and release it again over an object.")) ((NAME . "PictureClick") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("ListIndex" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs whenever a type picture associated with an item is clicked. release it again over an object.")) ((NAME . "PictureDblClick") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("ListIndex" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs whenever a type picture associated with an item is double-clicked.e it again over an object.")) ((NAME . "Expand") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("ListIndex" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs whenever an item is expanded (the items subordinate items are visible).gain over an object.")) ((NAME . "KeyDown") (RIID . #xfffffda6) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus.are visible).gain over an object.")) ((NAME . "KeyPress") (RIID . #xfffffda5) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyAscii" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key.the focus.are visible).gain over an object.")) ((NAME . "KeyUp") (RIID . #xfffffda4) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus.re visible).gain over an object.")) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #xfffffda3) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus.).gain over an object.")) ((NAME . "MouseMove") (RIID . #xfffffda2) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user moves the mouse. button while an object has the focus.).gain over an object.")) ((NAME . "MouseUp") (RIID . #xfffffda1) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("X" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("Y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus..gain over an object.")))) ("Outline" (TYPE . "Coclass")(GUID . "{BE4F3AC5-AEC9-101A-947B-00DD010F7B46}")(ALIASES "IOutlineCtrl""OutlineEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) )))