#S(HASH-TABLE EQL (FILENAME . "c:\winnt\system32\mscomctl.ocx")(GUID . "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}")(DESCRIPTION . "Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP4)")(VERSION . "2.0") (CLASSES . #S(HASH-TABLE EQUAL ("IVBDataObject" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{2334D2B1-713E-11CF-8AE5-00AA00C00905}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Clears all data and formats in a DataObject object.")) ((NAME . "GetData") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ("sFormat" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Retrieves data of a specified format from a DataObject object.")) ((NAME . "GetFormat") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ("sFormat" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Determines if a specified clipboard format is supported by the DataObject object.")) ((NAME . "SetData") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("vValue" "VT_VARIANT")("vFormat" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds a supported format and possibly its data to a DataObject object.")) ((NAME . "Files") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IVBDataObjectFiles")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "A collection of filenames used by the vbCFFiles format.")))) ("DataObject" (TYPE . "Coclass")(GUID . "{2334D2B2-713E-11CF-8AE5-00AA00C00905}")(ALIASES "IVBDataObject") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IVBDataObjectFiles" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{2334D2B3-713E-11CF-8AE5-00AA00C00905}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ("lIndex" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific filename by index from the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).")) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of filenames in the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).")) ((NAME . "Add") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("bstrFilename" "VT_BSTR")("vIndex" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds a filename to the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).")) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Clears all filenames stored in the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).")) ((NAME . "Remove") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("vIndex" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes a filename from the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).")) ((NAME . "_NewEnum") (RIID . #xfffffffc) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_UNKNOWN")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("DataObjectFiles" (TYPE . "Coclass")(GUID . "{2334D2B4-713E-11CF-8AE5-00AA00C00905}")(ALIASES "IVBDataObjectFiles") (FUNCTIONS )) ("BorderStyleConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "BorderStyle constants")(GUID . "{76B523C0-8579-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("MousePointerConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "MousePointer constants")(GUID . "{76B523C1-8579-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("AppearanceConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Appearance constants")(GUID . "{76B523C2-8579-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("VB4AppearanceConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(GUID . "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ScrollingConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Scrolling constants")(GUID . "{76B523C3-8579-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("OrientationConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Slider orientation constants")(GUID . "{76B523C4-8579-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("OLEDragConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants for the OLEDragMode property (but not the DragMode or OLEDropMode properties).")(GUID . "{D8898460-742F-11CF-8AEA-00AA00C00905}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("OLEDropConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants for the OLEDropMode property (but not the DragMode or OLEDragMode properties).")(GUID . "{D8898461-742F-11CF-8AEA-00AA00C00905}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("DragOverConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "State transition constants for the DragOver and OLEDragOver events.")(GUID . "{D8898464-742F-11CF-8AEA-00AA00C00905}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ClipBoardConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Clipboard format constants.")(GUID . "{D8898462-742F-11CF-8AEA-00AA00C00905}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("OLEDropEffectConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Drop effect constants for OLE drag and drop events.")(GUID . "{D8898463-742F-11CF-8AEA-00AA00C00905}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ErrorConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Error constants")(GUID . "{76B523C5-8579-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("TabWidthStyleConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "TabWidthStyle constants.")(GUID . "{1EFB6590-857C-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("TabStyleConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "TabStyle constants.")(GUID . "{1EFB6591-857C-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("PlacementConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Placement constants.")(GUID . "{1EFB6592-857C-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("TabSelStyleConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Tab selection style constants.")(GUID . "{1EFB6593-857C-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ITabStrip" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Microsoft TabStrip Control")(GUID . "{1EFB6594-857C-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Tabs") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.ITabs")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a collection of Tab objects in the TabStrip control.")) ((NAME . "Tabs") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.ITabs")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a collection of Tab objects in the TabStrip control.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IFontDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IFontDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a Font object.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to a form or control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to a form or control.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MultiRow") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value indicating whether the control can display more than one row of tabs.")) ((NAME . "MultiRow") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value indicating whether the control can display more than one row of tabs.")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.TabStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the style appearance (tab or button) of a TabStrip control.")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.TabStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the style appearance (tab or button) of a TabStrip control.")) ((NAME . "TabFixedWidth") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a fixed height of a TabStrip control, but only if the TabWidthStyle is set to tabFixed.")) ((NAME . "TabFixedWidth") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a fixed height of a TabStrip control, but only if the TabWidthStyle is set to tabFixed.")) ((NAME . "TabWidthStyle") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.TabWidthStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width and justification of all tabs in a TabStrip control.")) ((NAME . "TabWidthStyle") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.TabWidthStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width and justification of all tabs in a TabStrip control.")) ((NAME . "ClientTop") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the top coordinate of the internal area of the control.")) ((NAME . "ClientTop") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the top coordinate of the internal area of the control.")) ((NAME . "ClientLeft") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the left coordinate of the internal area of the control.")) ((NAME . "ClientLeft") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the left coordinate of the internal area of the control.")) ((NAME . "ClientHeight") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the height of the internal area of the control.")) ((NAME . "ClientHeight") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the height of the internal area of the control.")) ((NAME . "ClientWidth") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the width of the internal area of the control.")) ((NAME . "ClientWidth") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the width of the internal area of the control.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "ImageList") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used.")) ((NAME . "ImageList") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used.")) ((NAME . "ImageList") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used.")) ((NAME . "TabFixedHeight") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a fixed height of a TabStrip control, but only if the TabWidthStyle is set to tabFixed.")) ((NAME . "TabFixedHeight") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a fixed height of a TabStrip control, but only if the TabWidthStyle is set to tabFixed.")) ((NAME . "ShowTips") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Enables/disables the Tooltip text")) ((NAME . "ShowTips") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Enables/disables the Tooltip text")) ((NAME . "SelectedItem") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.ITab")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the selected Tab")) ((NAME . "SelectedItem") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.ITab")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the selected Tab")) ((NAME . "SelectedItem") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the selected Tab")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a form or control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "HotTracking") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether the tab under the cursor is highlighted.")) ((NAME . "HotTracking") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether the tab under the cursor is highlighted.")) ((NAME . "MultiSelect") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether multiple tabs can be selected while holding down the CTRL key.")) ((NAME . "MultiSelect") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether multiple tabs can be selected while holding down the CTRL key.")) ((NAME . "Placement") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.PlacementConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that indicates on which side of the control the tabs will be displayed.")) ((NAME . "Placement") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.PlacementConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that indicates on which side of the control the tabs will be displayed.")) ((NAME . "Separators") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether separators are drawn between buttons on a tabstrip that has the tabButton or tabFlatButton styles.")) ((NAME . "Separators") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether separators are drawn between buttons on a tabstrip that has the tabButton or tabFlatButton styles.")) ((NAME . "TabMinWidth") (RIID . #x00000014) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines the minimum width of a tab.")) ((NAME . "TabMinWidth") (RIID . #x00000014) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines the minimum width of a tab.")) ((NAME . "TabStyle") (RIID . #x00000015) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.TabSelStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines how remaining tabs are positioned when a new tab is selected.")) ((NAME . "TabStyle") (RIID . #x00000015) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.TabSelStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines how remaining tabs are positioned when a new tab is selected.")) ((NAME . "DeselectAll") (RIID . #x00000016) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Deselects all currently selected tabs.")))) ("ITabStripEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(GUID . "{1EFB6595-857C-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #xfffffda8) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object.")) ((NAME . "KeyDown") (RIID . #xfffffda6) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "KeyPress") (RIID . #xfffffda5) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyAscii" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key.")) ((NAME . "KeyUp") (RIID . #xfffffda4) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #xfffffda3) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "MouseMove") (RIID . #xfffffda2) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user moves the mouse.")) ((NAME . "MouseUp") (RIID . #xfffffda1) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "BeforeClick") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Cancel" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Generated when a Tab object is clicked, or the tab's Value setting has been changed. Used to check parameters before actually generating a Click event.")) ((NAME . "OLEStartDrag") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("AllowedEffects" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEStartDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEGiveFeedback") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("DefaultCursors" "VT_PTR.VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEGiveFeedback event")) ((NAME . "OLESetData") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("DataFormat" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLESetData event")) ((NAME . "OLECompleteDrag") (RIID . #x00000611) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLECompleteDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragOver") (RIID . #x00000612) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("State" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragOver event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragDrop") (RIID . #x00000613) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragDrop event")))) ("TabStrip" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "Microsoft TabStrip Control")(GUID . "{1EFB6596-857C-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "ITabStrip""ITabStripEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) ("ITabs" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "StatusBar Tabs collection")(GUID . "{1EFB6597-857C-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.ITab")(PARAMS ("pvIndex" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pvIndex" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("riid" "VT_PTR.ITab")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.ITab")(PARAMS ("pvIndex" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pvIndex" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("riid" "VT_PTR.ITab")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Remove") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pvIndex" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes a specific member from a collection.")) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes all objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Add") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.ITab")(PARAMS ("pvIndex" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pvKey" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pvCaption" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pvImage" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds a Tab object to a Tabs collection.")) ((NAME . "_NewEnum") (RIID . #xfffffffc) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("Tabs" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a collection of Tab objects in the TabStrip control.")(GUID . "{1EFB6598-857C-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "ITabs") (FUNCTIONS )) ("ITab" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "An individual object, analogous to a page, contained in a TabStrip control.")(GUID . "{1EFB6599-857C-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "_ObjectDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_ObjectDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the string displayed when a cursor hovers over an object.")) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the string displayed when a cursor hovers over an object.")) ((NAME . "Width") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of an object.")) ((NAME . "Width") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of an object.")) ((NAME . "Height") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the height of an object.")) ((NAME . "Height") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the height of an object.")) ((NAME . "Top") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container.")) ((NAME . "Top") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container.")) ((NAME . "Left") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.")) ((NAME . "Left") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.")) ((NAME . "Selected") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected.")) ((NAME . "Selected") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected.")) ((NAME . "Image") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used.")) ((NAME . "Image") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used.")) ((NAME . "HighLighted") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that indicates whether the Tab is highlighted..")) ((NAME . "HighLighted") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that indicates whether the Tab is highlighted..")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")))) ("Tab" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a collection of Tab objects in the TabStrip control.")(GUID . "{1EFB659A-857C-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "ITab") (FUNCTIONS )) ("ButtonStyleConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Toolbar Button Style constants.")(GUID . "{66833FE0-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ValueConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Toolbar Value constants.")(GUID . "{66833FE1-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ToolbarStyleConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Toolbar Style constants.")(GUID . "{66833FE2-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ToolbarTextAlignConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Toolbar Text Alignment constants.")(GUID . "{66833FE3-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("IToolbar" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Microsoft Toolbar Control")(GUID . "{66833FE4-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Appearance") (RIID . #xfffffdf8) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.AppearanceConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects.")) ((NAME . "Appearance") (RIID . #xfffffdf8) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.AppearanceConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects.")) ((NAME . "AllowCustomize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if users can customize the Toolbar.")) ((NAME . "AllowCustomize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if users can customize the Toolbar.")) ((NAME . "Buttons") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IButtons")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a Toolbar control's collection of Button objects.")) ((NAME . "Buttons") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IButtons")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a Toolbar control's collection of Button objects.")) ((NAME . "Controls") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IControls")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "ToolBar Controls Collection")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to a form or control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to a form or control.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "ImageList") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing normal images.")) ((NAME . "ImageList") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing normal images.")) ((NAME . "ImageList") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing normal images.")) ((NAME . "ShowTips") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Enables/disables ToolTips for tool buttons")) ((NAME . "ShowTips") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Enables/disables ToolTips for tool buttons")) ((NAME . "BorderStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe08) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.BorderStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the border style")) ((NAME . "BorderStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe08) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.BorderStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the border style")) ((NAME . "Wrappable") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether buttons can be wrapped or not")) ((NAME . "Wrappable") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether buttons can be wrapped or not")) ((NAME . "ButtonHeight") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the height of the buttons")) ((NAME . "ButtonHeight") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the height of the buttons")) ((NAME . "ButtonWidth") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of the buttons")) ((NAME . "ButtonWidth") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of the buttons")) ((NAME . "HelpContextID") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Help context of topic to be displayed when inquiring help from Toolbar Customize dialog.")) ((NAME . "HelpContextID") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Help context of topic to be displayed when inquiring help from Toolbar Customize dialog.")) ((NAME . "HelpFile") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Help file to be used when inquiring help from Toolbar Customize dialog.")) ((NAME . "HelpFile") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Help file to be used when inquiring help from Toolbar Customize dialog.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a form or control.")) ((NAME . "Customize") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Invokes the Customize Toolbar dialog box when the user double-clicks on a Toolbar control.")) ((NAME . "SaveToolbar") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Key" "VT_BSTR")("Subkey" "VT_BSTR")("Value" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Saves a Toolbar configuration in an initialization (.ini) file.")) ((NAME . "RestoreToolbar") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Key" "VT_BSTR")("Subkey" "VT_BSTR")("Value" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Restores a toolbar, created with a Toolbar control, to its original state after being customized.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "DisabledImageList") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing images displayed when a button is in a disabled state.")) ((NAME . "DisabledImageList") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Key" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing images displayed when a button is in a disabled state.")) ((NAME . "DisabledImageList") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Key" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing images displayed when a button is in a disabled state.")) ((NAME . "HotImageList") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing images displayed when a button is highlighted.")) ((NAME . "HotImageList") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Key" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing images displayed when a button is highlighted.")) ((NAME . "HotImageList") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Key" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing images displayed when a button is highlighted.")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ToolbarStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines how the Toolbar is drawn.")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Key" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ToolbarStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines how the Toolbar is drawn.")) ((NAME . "TextAlignment") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ToolbarTextAlignConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether button text is displayed below or to the right of the button image.")) ((NAME . "TextAlignment") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Key" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ToolbarTextAlignConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether button text is displayed below or to the right of the button image.")))) ("IToolbarEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Event interface for Toolbar Control")(GUID . "{66833FE5-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "ButtonClick") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_PTR.Button")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user clicks on a Button object in a Toolbar control.")) ((NAME . "Change") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Generated after the end user customizes a Toolbar control's appearance using the Customize Toolbar dialog box.")) ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #xfffffda8) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object.")) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #xfffffda3) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "MouseMove") (RIID . #xfffffda2) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user moves the mouse.")) ((NAME . "MouseUp") (RIID . #xfffffda1) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "DblClick") (RIID . #xfffffda7) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when you press and release a mouse button and then press and release it again over an object.")) ((NAME . "OLEStartDrag") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("AllowedEffects" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEStartDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEGiveFeedback") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("DefaultCursors" "VT_PTR.VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEGiveFeedback event")) ((NAME . "OLESetData") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("DataFormat" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLESetData event")) ((NAME . "OLECompleteDrag") (RIID . #x00000611) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLECompleteDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragOver") (RIID . #x00000612) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("State" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragOver event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragDrop") (RIID . #x00000613) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragDrop event")) ((NAME . "ButtonMenuClick") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("ButtonMenu" "VT_PTR.ButtonMenu")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user selects an item from a button dropdown menu.")) ((NAME . "ButtonDropDown") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_PTR.Button")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user clicks the dropdown arrow on a button with Style = tbrDropdown.")))) ("Toolbar" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "Microsoft Toolbar Control")(GUID . "{66833FE6-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IToolbar""IToolbarEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IButtons" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "ToolBar Buttons")(GUID . "{66833FE7-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IButton")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("riid" "VT_PTR.IButton")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IButton")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("riid" "VT_PTR.IButton")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Remove") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes a specific member from a collection.")) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes all objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Add") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IButton")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Caption" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Style" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Image" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds a Button object to a Buttons collection and returns a reference to the created object.")) ((NAME . "_NewEnum") (RIID . #xfffffffc) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("Buttons" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "ToolBar Buttons")(GUID . "{66833FE8-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IButtons") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IButton" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "ToolBar Button")(GUID . "{66833FE9-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "_ObjectDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_ObjectDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon.")) ((NAME . "Caption") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the string displayed when a cursor hovers over an object.")) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the string displayed when a cursor hovers over an object.")) ((NAME . "Visible") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden.")) ((NAME . "Visible") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden.")) ((NAME . "Width") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of an object.")) ((NAME . "Width") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of an object.")) ((NAME . "Height") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the height of an object.")) ((NAME . "Height") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the height of an object.")) ((NAME . "Top") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container.")) ((NAME . "Top") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container.")) ((NAME . "Left") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.")) ((NAME . "Left") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ValueConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the value of an object.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ValueConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the value of an object.")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ButtonStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the button style")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ButtonStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the button style")) ((NAME . "Description") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the description displayed when the user clicks a Button object during a customization operation.")) ((NAME . "Description") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the description displayed when the user clicks a Button object during a customization operation.")) ((NAME . "Image") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used.")) ((NAME . "Image") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used.")) ((NAME . "MixedState") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used.")) ((NAME . "MixedState") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used.")) ((NAME . "ButtonMenus") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IButtonMenus")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a Button object's collection of ButtonMenu objects.")) ((NAME . "ButtonMenus") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IButtonMenus")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a Button object's collection of ButtonMenu objects.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")))) ("Button" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "ToolBar Button")(GUID . "{66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IButton") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IButtonMenus" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "ToolBar ButtonMenus")(GUID . "{66833FEB-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IButtonMenu")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("riid" "VT_PTR.IButtonMenu")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IButtonMenu")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("riid" "VT_PTR.IButtonMenu")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Remove") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes a specific member from a collection.")) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes all objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Add") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IButtonMenu")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Text" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds a ButtonMenu object to a ButtonMenus collection and returns a reference to the created object.")) ((NAME . "_NewEnum") (RIID . #xfffffffc) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("ButtonMenus" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "ToolBar ButtonMenus")(GUID . "{66833FEC-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IButtonMenus") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IButtonMenu" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "ToolBar ButtonMenu")(GUID . "{66833FED-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "_ObjectDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_ObjectDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Parent") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IButton")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a reference to the parent Button of a ButtonMenu object.")) ((NAME . "Parent") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IButton")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a reference to the parent Button of a ButtonMenu object.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text displayed in the ButtonMenu item.")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text displayed in the ButtonMenu item.")) ((NAME . "Visible") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden.")) ((NAME . "Visible") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden.")))) ("ButtonMenu" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "ToolBar ButtonMenu")(GUID . "{66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IButtonMenu") (FUNCTIONS )) ("SbarStyleConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "StatusBar Style constants")(GUID . "{8E3867A0-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("IStatusBar" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Microsoft StatusBar Control")(GUID . "{8E3867A1-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "SimpleText") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text displayed when a StatusBar control's Style property is set to Simple.")) ((NAME . "SimpleText") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text displayed when a StatusBar control's Style property is set to Simple.")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.SbarStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the the single (simple) or multiple panel style")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.SbarStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the the single (simple) or multiple panel style")) ((NAME . "Panels") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPanels")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a collection of Panel objects.")) ((NAME . "Panels") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPanels")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a collection of Panel objects.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "ShowTips") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Enables/disables ToolTips for panels")) ((NAME . "ShowTips") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Enables/disables ToolTips for panels")) ((NAME . "PanelProperties") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "PanelProperties") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IFontDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IFontDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a Font object.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to a form or control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to a form or control.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a form or control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("IStatusBarEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Event interface for Status Bar Control")(GUID . "{8E3867A2-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "PanelClick") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Panel" "VT_PTR.Panel")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Similar to the standard Click event, but the PanelClick event occurs when a user presses and then releases a mouse button over any of the StatusBar control's Panel objects.")) ((NAME . "PanelDblClick") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Panel" "VT_PTR.Panel")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Similar to the standard DblClick Event, the PanelDblClick occurs when a user presses and then releases a mouse button twice over a StatusBar control's Panel object.")) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #xfffffda3) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "MouseMove") (RIID . #xfffffda2) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user moves the mouse.")) ((NAME . "MouseUp") (RIID . #xfffffda1) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #xfffffda8) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object.")) ((NAME . "DblClick") (RIID . #xfffffda7) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when you press and release a mouse button and then press and release it again over an object.")) ((NAME . "OLEStartDrag") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("AllowedEffects" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEStartDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEGiveFeedback") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("DefaultCursors" "VT_PTR.VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEGiveFeedback event")) ((NAME . "OLESetData") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("DataFormat" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLESetData event")) ((NAME . "OLECompleteDrag") (RIID . #x00000611) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLECompleteDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragOver") (RIID . #x00000612) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("State" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragOver event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragDrop") (RIID . #x00000613) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragDrop event")))) ("StatusBar" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "Microsoft StatusBar Control")(GUID . "{8E3867A3-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IStatusBar""IStatusBarEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IPanels" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "StatusBar Panels collection")(GUID . "{8E3867A4-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPanel")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("riid" "VT_PTR.IPanel")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Add") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPanel")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Text" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Style" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Picture" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds a Panel object to a Panels collection and returns a reference to the created Panel.")) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes all objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPanel")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key" "VT_PTR.IPanel")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Remove") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes a specific member from a collection.")) ((NAME . "_NewEnum") (RIID . #xfffffffc) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("Panels" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "StatusBar Panels collection")(GUID . "{8E3867A5-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IPanels") (FUNCTIONS )) ("PanelAlignmentConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Panel Alignment constants")(GUID . "{8E3867A6-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("PanelAutoSizeConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Panel AutoSize constants")(GUID . "{8E3867A7-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("PanelBevelConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Panel Bevel constants")(GUID . "{8E3867A8-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("PanelStyleConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Panel Style constants")(GUID . "{8E3867A9-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("IPanel" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "StatusBar Panel")(GUID . "{8E3867AA-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "_ObjectDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_ObjectDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.PanelAlignmentConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the alignment of a StatusBar control, bottom, top, left, right, or floating")) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.PanelAlignmentConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the alignment of a StatusBar control, bottom, top, left, right, or floating")) ((NAME . "AutoSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.PanelAutoSizeConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that allows the width of a Panel object to be automatically sized when the panel's contents change or the parent form resizes")) ((NAME . "AutoSize") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.PanelAutoSizeConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that allows the width of a Panel object to be automatically sized when the panel's contents change or the parent form resizes")) ((NAME . "Bevel") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.PanelBevelConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the bevel appearance of a Panel object, inset, raised, or none")) ((NAME . "Bevel") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.PanelBevelConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the bevel appearance of a Panel object, inset, raised, or none")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection")) ((NAME . "Left") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container")) ((NAME . "Left") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container")) ((NAME . "MinWidth") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the minimum width of a Panel object")) ((NAME . "MinWidth") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the minimum width of a Panel object")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the Picture property for a Panel object")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the Picture property for a Panel object")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.PanelStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the style of a StatusBar Panel object")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.PanelStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the style of a StatusBar Panel object")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control")) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the string displayed when a cursor hovers over an object.")) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the string displayed when a cursor hovers over an object.")) ((NAME . "Visible") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden")) ((NAME . "Visible") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden")) ((NAME . "Width") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of an object")) ((NAME . "Width") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of an object")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the Picture property for a Panel object")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")))) ("Panel" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "StatusBar Panel")(GUID . "{8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IPanel") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IProgressBar" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Microsoft ProgressBar Control")(GUID . "{35053A20-8589-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Max") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a control's maximum value.")) ((NAME . "Max") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a control's maximum value.")) ((NAME . "Min") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a control's minimum value.")) ((NAME . "Min") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a control's minimum value.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns or sets a control's current Value property.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns or sets a control's current Value property.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Appearance") (RIID . #xfffffdf8) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.AppearanceConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects.")) ((NAME . "Appearance") (RIID . #xfffffdf8) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.AppearanceConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects.")) ((NAME . "BorderStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe08) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.BorderStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the border style for an object.")) ((NAME . "BorderStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe08) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.BorderStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the border style for an object.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to a form or control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Orientation") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OrientationConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether the Progress Bar is displayed vertically or horizontally.")) ((NAME . "Orientation") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OrientationConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether the Progress Bar is displayed vertically or horizontally.")) ((NAME . "Scrolling") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ScrollingConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether the control displays progress with a standard segmented bar or a smooth bar.")) ((NAME . "Scrolling") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ScrollingConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether the control displays progress with a standard segmented bar or a smooth bar.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("IProgressBarEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Event interface for ProgressBar Control")(GUID . "{35053A21-8589-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #xfffffda3) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "MouseDown event")) ((NAME . "MouseMove") (RIID . #xfffffda2) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "MouseMove event")) ((NAME . "MouseUp") (RIID . #xfffffda1) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "MouseUp event")) ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #xfffffda8) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Click event")) ((NAME . "OLEStartDrag") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("AllowedEffects" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEStartDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEGiveFeedback") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("DefaultCursors" "VT_PTR.VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEGiveFeedback event")) ((NAME . "OLESetData") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("DataFormat" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLESetData event")) ((NAME . "OLECompleteDrag") (RIID . #x00000611) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLECompleteDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragOver") (RIID . #x00000612) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("State" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragOver event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragDrop") (RIID . #x00000613) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragDrop event")))) ("ProgressBar" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "Microsoft ProgressBar Control")(GUID . "{35053A22-8589-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IProgressBar""IProgressBarEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) ("LabelEditConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "LabelEdit constants")(GUID . "{C74190B0-8589-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("TreeLineStyleConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "TreeLine style constants")(GUID . "{C74190B1-8589-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("TreeStyleConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "TreeStyle constants")(GUID . "{C74190B2-8589-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("TreeRelationshipConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "TreeView Relationship constants")(GUID . "{C74190B3-8589-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ITreeView" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Displays a hierarchical list of Node objects, each of which consists of a label and an optional bitmap.")(GUID . "{C74190B4-8589-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "DropHighlight") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.INode")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a Node or ListItem object and highlights the object with the system highlight color.")) ((NAME . "DropHighlight") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.INode")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a Node or ListItem object and highlights the object with the system highlight color.")) ((NAME . "DropHighlight") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a Node or ListItem object and highlights the object with the system highlight color.")) ((NAME . "HideSelection") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Determines whether the selected item will display as selected when the TreeView loses focus")) ((NAME . "HideSelection") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Determines whether the selected item will display as selected when the TreeView loses focus")) ((NAME . "ImageList") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used.")) ((NAME . "ImageList") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used.")) ((NAME . "ImageList") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used.")) ((NAME . "Indentation") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of the indentation for a TreeView control.")) ((NAME . "Indentation") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of the indentation for a TreeView control.")) ((NAME . "LabelEdit") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.LabelEditConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines if a user can edit the label of a ListItem or Node object.")) ((NAME . "LabelEdit") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.LabelEditConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines if a user can edit the label of a ListItem or Node object.")) ((NAME . "LineStyle") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.TreeLineStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the style of lines displayed between Node objects.")) ((NAME . "LineStyle") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.TreeLineStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the style of lines displayed between Node objects.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "Nodes") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.INodes")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a collection of Node objects.")) ((NAME . "Nodes") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.INodes")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a collection of Node objects.")) ((NAME . "PathSeparator") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the delimiter string used for the path returned by the FullPath property.")) ((NAME . "PathSeparator") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the delimiter string used for the path returned by the FullPath property.")) ((NAME . "SelectedItem") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.INode")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected.")) ((NAME . "SelectedItem") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.INode")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected.")) ((NAME . "SelectedItem") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected.")) ((NAME . "Sorted") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically.")) ((NAME . "Sorted") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically.")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.TreeStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays a hierarchical list of Node objects, each of which consists of a label and an optional bitmap.")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.TreeStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Displays a hierarchical list of Node objects, each of which consists of a label and an optional bitmap.")) ((NAME . "OLEDragMode") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDragConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDragMode") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDragConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Appearance") (RIID . #xfffffdf8) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.AppearanceConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects.")) ((NAME . "Appearance") (RIID . #xfffffdf8) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.AppearanceConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects.")) ((NAME . "BorderStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe08) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.BorderStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the border style for an object.")) ((NAME . "BorderStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe08) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.BorderStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the border style for an object.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IFontDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IFontDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IFontDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a Font object.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to a form or control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to a form or control.")) ((NAME . "HitTest") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.INode")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R4")("y" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the ListItem object or Node object located at the coordinates of x and y. Used with drag and drop operations.")) ((NAME . "GetVisibleCount") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of Node objects that fit in the internal area of a TreeView control.")) ((NAME . "StartLabelEdit") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Begins a label editing operation on a ListItem or Node object.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a form or control.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "Checkboxes") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if the control displays a checkbox next to each item in the tree.")) ((NAME . "Checkboxes") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if the control displays a checkbox next to each item in the tree.")) ((NAME . "FullRowSelect") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if the entire row of the selected item is highlighted and clicking anywhere on an item's row causes it to be selected.")) ((NAME . "FullRowSelect") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if the entire row of the selected item is highlighted and clicking anywhere on an item's row causes it to be selected.")) ((NAME . "HotTracking") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if items are highlighted as the mousepointer passes over them.")) ((NAME . "HotTracking") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if items are highlighted as the mousepointer passes over them.")) ((NAME . "Scroll") (RIID . #x00000014) (OFFSET . #x100) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if the TreeView displays scrollbars and allows scrolling (vertical and horizontal).")) ((NAME . "Scroll") (RIID . #x00000014) (OFFSET . #x104) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if the TreeView displays scrollbars and allows scrolling (vertical and horizontal).")) ((NAME . "SingleSel") (RIID . #x00000015) (OFFSET . #x108) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if selecting a new item in the tree expands that item and collapses the previously selected item.")) ((NAME . "SingleSel") (RIID . #x00000015) (OFFSET . #x10c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if selecting a new item in the tree expands that item and collapses the previously selected item.")))) ("ITreeViewEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Event interface for Tree Control")(GUID . "{C74190B5-8589-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "BeforeLabelEdit") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Cancel" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when a user attempts to edit the label of the currently selected ListItem or Node object.")) ((NAME . "AfterLabelEdit") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Cancel" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("NewString" "VT_PTR.VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs after a user edits the label of the currently selected Node or ListItem object.")) ((NAME . "Collapse") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Node" "VT_PTR.Node")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Generated when any Node object in a TreeView control is collapsed.")) ((NAME . "Expand") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Node" "VT_PTR.Node")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when a Node object in a TreeView control is expanded; that is, when its child nodes become visible.")) ((NAME . "NodeClick") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Node" "VT_PTR.Node")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when a Node object is clicked.")) ((NAME . "KeyDown") (RIID . #xfffffda6) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "KeyUp") (RIID . #xfffffda4) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "KeyPress") (RIID . #xfffffda5) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyAscii" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key.")) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #xfffffda3) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "MouseMove") (RIID . #xfffffda2) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user moves the mouse.")) ((NAME . "MouseUp") (RIID . #xfffffda1) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #xfffffda8) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object.")) ((NAME . "DblClick") (RIID . #xfffffda7) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when you press and release a mouse button and then press and release it again over an object.")) ((NAME . "NodeCheck") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Node" "VT_PTR.Node")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when Checkboxes = True and a Node object is checked/unchecked.")) ((NAME . "OLEStartDrag") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("AllowedEffects" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEStartDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEGiveFeedback") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("DefaultCursors" "VT_PTR.VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEGiveFeedback event")) ((NAME . "OLESetData") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("DataFormat" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLESetData event")) ((NAME . "OLECompleteDrag") (RIID . #x00000611) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLECompleteDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragOver") (RIID . #x00000612) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("State" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragOver event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragDrop") (RIID . #x00000613) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragDrop event")))) ("TreeView" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "Displays a hierarchical list of Node objects, each of which consists of a label and an optional bitmap.")(GUID . "{C74190B6-8589-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "ITreeView""ITreeViewEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) ("INodes" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Treeview Nodes collection")(GUID . "{C74190B7-8589-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.INode")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("riid" "VT_PTR.INode")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Add") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.INode")(PARAMS ("Relative" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Relationship" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Text" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Image" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("SelectedImage" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds a Node object to a Nodes collection and returns a reference to the created object.")) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes all objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.INode")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific item of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Relationship" "VT_PTR.INode")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific item of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Remove") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes a specific member from a collection.")) ((NAME . "_NewEnum") (RIID . #xfffffffc) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("Nodes" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "Treeview Nodes collection")(GUID . "{0713E8C0-850A-101B-AFC0-4210102A8DA7}")(ALIASES "INodes") (FUNCTIONS )) ("INode" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "An object in a TreeView control that can contain images and text.")(GUID . "{C74190B8-8589-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "_ObjectDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_ObjectDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Child") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.INode")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the first child of a Node object.")) ((NAME . "Child") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.INode")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the first child of a Node object.")) ((NAME . "Children") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of child nodes a Node object has.")) ((NAME . "Children") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of child nodes a Node object has.")) ((NAME . "Expanded") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which specifies if a Node object is expanded.")) ((NAME . "Expanded") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which specifies if a Node object is expanded.")) ((NAME . "ExpandedImage") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the Index or Key of an image in an ImageList control used when the Node is expanded.")) ((NAME . "ExpandedImage") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the Index or Key of an image in an ImageList control used when the Node is expanded.")) ((NAME . "FirstSibling") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.INode")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the first Node object in a hierarchy level.")) ((NAME . "FirstSibling") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.INode")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the first Node object in a hierarchy level.")) ((NAME . "FullPath") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the fully qualified name of a Node object.")) ((NAME . "FullPath") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the fully qualified name of a Node object.")) ((NAME . "Image") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used.")) ((NAME . "Image") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "LastSibling") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.INode")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the last Node object in a hierarchy level.")) ((NAME . "LastSibling") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.INode")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the last Node object in a hierarchy level.")) ((NAME . "Next") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.INode")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the next Node object in a hierarchy level.")) ((NAME . "Next") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.INode")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the next Node object in a hierarchy level.")) ((NAME . "Parent") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.INode")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a reference to the parent of a Node object.")) ((NAME . "Parent") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.INode")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a reference to the parent of a Node object.")) ((NAME . "Previous") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.INode")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the previous Node object in a hierarchy level.")) ((NAME . "Previous") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.INode")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the previous Node object in a hierarchy level.")) ((NAME . "Root") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.INode")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the root Node object of a TreeView control.")) ((NAME . "Root") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.INode")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the root Node object of a TreeView control.")) ((NAME . "Selected") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected.")) ((NAME . "Selected") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected.")) ((NAME . "SelectedImage") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the Index or Key of an image in an ImageList control which is displayed when a Node object is selected.")) ((NAME . "SelectedImage") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the Index or Key of an image in an ImageList control which is displayed when a Node object is selected.")) ((NAME . "Sorted") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically.")) ((NAME . "Sorted") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control.")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control.")) ((NAME . "Visible") (RIID . #x00000014) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden.")) ((NAME . "Visible") (RIID . #x00000014) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden.")) ((NAME . "CreateDragImage") (RIID . #x00000015) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Creates a composite image from an icon and a caption for use in drag and drop operations.")) ((NAME . "EnsureVisible") (RIID . #x00000016) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Ensures a ListItem or Node object is visible, scrolling or expanding the control if necessary.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #x00000017) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background color used to display text for a Node object.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #x00000017) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background color used to display text for a Node object.")) ((NAME . "Bold") (RIID . #x00000018) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether the text for a Node object is displayed with a bold font.")) ((NAME . "Bold") (RIID . #x00000018) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether the text for a Node object is displayed with a bold font.")) ((NAME . "Checked") (RIID . #x00000019) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a Node object is checked.")) ((NAME . "Checked") (RIID . #x00000019) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a Node object is checked.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #x0000001a) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text for a Node object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #x0000001a) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text for a Node object.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")))) ("Node" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "An object in a TreeView control that can contain images and text.")(GUID . "{C74190B9-8589-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "INode") (FUNCTIONS )) ("ListTextBackgroundConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "TextBackground constants")(GUID . "{BDD1F040-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ListArrangeConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "ListArrange constants")(GUID . "{BDD1F041-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ListPictureAlignmentConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Determines the placement of the background picture.")(GUID . "{BDD1F042-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ListLabelEditConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "LabelEdit constants")(GUID . "{BDD1F043-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ListSortOrderConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "SortOrder constants")(GUID . "{BDD1F044-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ListViewConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "View constants")(GUID . "{BDD1F045-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ListColumnAlignmentConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "ColumnAlignment constants")(GUID . "{BDD1F046-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ListFindItemWhereConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "FindItemWhere constants")(GUID . "{BDD1F047-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ListFindItemHowConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "FindItemHow constants")(GUID . "{BDD1F048-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("IListView" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Displays a collection of ListItems such as files or folders.")(GUID . "{BDD1F049-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Arrange") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ListArrangeConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets how the icons in a ListView control's Icon or SmallIcon view are arranged.")) ((NAME . "Arrange") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ListArrangeConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets how the icons in a ListView control's Icon or SmallIcon view are arranged.")) ((NAME . "ColumnHeaders") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IColumnHeaders")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a collection of ColumnHeader objects.")) ((NAME . "ColumnHeaders") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IColumnHeaders")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a collection of ColumnHeader objects.")) ((NAME . "DropHighlight") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IListItem")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a Node or ListItem object and highlights the object with the system highlight color.")) ((NAME . "DropHighlight") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IListItem")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a Node or ListItem object and highlights the object with the system highlight color.")) ((NAME . "DropHighlight") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a Node or ListItem object and highlights the object with the system highlight color.")) ((NAME . "HideColumnHeaders") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether or not a ListView control's column headers are hidden in Report view.")) ((NAME . "HideColumnHeaders") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether or not a ListView control's column headers are hidden in Report view.")) ((NAME . "HideSelection") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Determines whether the selected item will display as selected when the ListView loses focus")) ((NAME . "HideSelection") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Determines whether the selected item will display as selected when the ListView loses focus")) ((NAME . "Icons") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the images associated with the Icon properties of a ListView control.")) ((NAME . "Icons") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the images associated with the Icon properties of a ListView control.")) ((NAME . "Icons") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the images associated with the Icon properties of a ListView control.")) ((NAME . "ListItems") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IListItems")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a collection of ListItem objects in a ListView control.")) ((NAME . "ListItems") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IListItems")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a collection of ListItem objects in a ListView control.")) ((NAME . "LabelEdit") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ListLabelEditConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines if a user can edit the label of a ListItem or Node object.")) ((NAME . "LabelEdit") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ListLabelEditConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines if a user can edit the label of a ListItem or Node object.")) ((NAME . "LabelWrap") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns or sets a value that determines if labels are wrapped when the ListView is in Icon view.")) ((NAME . "LabelWrap") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns or sets a value that determines if labels are wrapped when the ListView is in Icon view.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MultiSelect") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can make multiple selections in the ListView control and how the multiple selections can be made.")) ((NAME . "MultiSelect") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can make multiple selections in the ListView control and how the multiple selections can be made.")) ((NAME . "SelectedItem") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IListItem")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the currently selected ListItem or Node object.")) ((NAME . "SelectedItem") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IListItem")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the currently selected ListItem or Node object.")) ((NAME . "SelectedItem") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the currently selected ListItem or Node object.")) ((NAME . "SmallIcons") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the images associated with the SmallIcons property of a ListView control.")) ((NAME . "SmallIcons") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the images associated with the SmallIcons property of a ListView control.")) ((NAME . "SmallIcons") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the images associated with the SmallIcons property of a ListView control.")) ((NAME . "Sorted") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically.")) ((NAME . "Sorted") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically.")) ((NAME . "SortKey") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the current sort key.")) ((NAME . "SortKey") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the current sort key.")) ((NAME . "SortOrder") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ListSortOrderConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether or not the ListItems will be sorted in ascending or descending order.")) ((NAME . "SortOrder") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ListSortOrderConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether or not the ListItems will be sorted in ascending or descending order.")) ((NAME . "View") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ListViewConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the current view of the ListView control.")) ((NAME . "View") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ListViewConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the current view of the ListView control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDragMode") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDragConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDragMode") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDragConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Appearance") (RIID . #xfffffdf8) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.AppearanceConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects.")) ((NAME . "Appearance") (RIID . #xfffffdf8) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.AppearanceConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #xdc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object.")) ((NAME . "BorderStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe08) (OFFSET . #xe0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.BorderStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the border style for an object.")) ((NAME . "BorderStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe08) (OFFSET . #xe4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.BorderStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the border style for an object.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #xe8) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #xec) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #xf0) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IFontDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #xf4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IFontDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a Font object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #xf8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #xfc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #x100) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to a form or control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #x104) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to a form or control.")) ((NAME . "FindItem") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #x108) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IListItem")(PARAMS ("sz" "VT_BSTR")("Where" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("fPartial" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Finds an item in the list and returns a reference to that item.")) ((NAME . "GetFirstVisible") (RIID . #x00000014) (OFFSET . #x10c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IListItem")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Retrieves a reference of the first item visible in the client area.")) ((NAME . "HitTest") (RIID . #x00000015) (OFFSET . #x110) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IListItem")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_R4")("y" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the ListItem object or Node object located at the coordinates of x and y. Used with drag and drop operations.")) ((NAME . "StartLabelEdit") (RIID . #x00000016) (OFFSET . #x114) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Begins a label editing operation on a ListItem or Node object.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x118) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #x11c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a form or control.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x120) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AllowColumnReorder") (RIID . #x00000017) (OFFSET . #x124) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether a user can reorder columns in report view.")) ((NAME . "AllowColumnReorder") (RIID . #x00000017) (OFFSET . #x128) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether a user can reorder columns in report view.")) ((NAME . "Checkboxes") (RIID . #x00000018) (OFFSET . #x12c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if the control displays a checkbox next to each item in the list.")) ((NAME . "Checkboxes") (RIID . #x00000018) (OFFSET . #x130) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if the control displays a checkbox next to each item in the list.")) ((NAME . "FlatScrollBar") (RIID . #x00000019) (OFFSET . #x134) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether the scrollbars appear flat.")) ((NAME . "FlatScrollBar") (RIID . #x00000019) (OFFSET . #x138) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether the scrollbars appear flat.")) ((NAME . "FullRowSelect") (RIID . #x0000001a) (OFFSET . #x13c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether selecting a column highlights the entire row.")) ((NAME . "FullRowSelect") (RIID . #x0000001a) (OFFSET . #x140) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether selecting a column highlights the entire row.")) ((NAME . "GridLines") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x144) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether grid lines appear between rows and columns")) ((NAME . "GridLines") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x148) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether grid lines appear between rows and columns")) ((NAME . "HotTracking") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x14c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether hot tracking is enabled.")) ((NAME . "HotTracking") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x150) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether hot tracking is enabled.")) ((NAME . "HoverSelection") (RIID . #x0000001d) (OFFSET . #x154) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether hover selection is enabled.")) ((NAME . "HoverSelection") (RIID . #x0000001d) (OFFSET . #x158) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether hover selection is enabled.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x15c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background picture for the control.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x160) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background picture for the control.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #x0000001f) (OFFSET . #x164) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background picture for the control.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x168) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ListPictureAlignmentConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the picture alignment.")) ((NAME . "PictureAlignment") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #x16c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ListPictureAlignmentConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the picture alignment.")) ((NAME . "ColumnHeaderIcons") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #x170) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for ColumnHeader icons.")) ((NAME . "ColumnHeaderIcons") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #x174) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for ColumnHeader icons.")) ((NAME . "ColumnHeaderIcons") (RIID . #x00000020) (OFFSET . #x178) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used for ColumnHeader icons.")) ((NAME . "TextBackground") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #x17c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ListTextBackgroundConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines if the text background is transparent or uses the ListView background color")) ((NAME . "TextBackground") (RIID . #x00000021) (OFFSET . #x180) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ListTextBackgroundConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines if the text background is transparent or uses the ListView background color")))) ("ListViewEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Event interface for List View Control")(GUID . "{BDD1F04A-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "BeforeLabelEdit") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Cancel" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when a user attempts to edit the label of the currently selected ListItem or Node object.")) ((NAME . "AfterLabelEdit") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Cancel" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("NewString" "VT_PTR.VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs after a user edits the label of the currently selected Node or ListItem object.")) ((NAME . "ColumnClick") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("ColumnHeader" "VT_PTR.ColumnHeader")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when a ColumnHeader object in a ListView control is clicked.")) ((NAME . "ItemClick") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Item" "VT_PTR.ListItem")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when a ListItem object is clicked or selected")) ((NAME . "KeyDown") (RIID . #xfffffda6) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "KeyUp") (RIID . #xfffffda4) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "KeyPress") (RIID . #xfffffda5) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyAscii" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key.")) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #xfffffda3) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "MouseMove") (RIID . #xfffffda2) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user moves the mouse.")) ((NAME . "MouseUp") (RIID . #xfffffda1) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #xfffffda8) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object.")) ((NAME . "DblClick") (RIID . #xfffffda7) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when you press and release a mouse button and then press and release it again over an object.")) ((NAME . "OLEStartDrag") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("AllowedEffects" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEStartDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEGiveFeedback") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("DefaultCursors" "VT_PTR.VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEGiveFeedback event")) ((NAME . "OLESetData") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("DataFormat" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLESetData event")) ((NAME . "OLECompleteDrag") (RIID . #x00000611) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLECompleteDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragOver") (RIID . #x00000612) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("State" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragOver event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragDrop") (RIID . #x00000613) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragDrop event")) ((NAME . "ItemCheck") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Item" "VT_PTR.ListItem")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when a ListSubItem object is checked")))) ("ListView" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "Displays a collection of ListItems such as files or folders.")(GUID . "{BDD1F04B-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IListView""ListViewEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IListItems" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "ListView Item collection")(GUID . "{BDD1F04C-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IListItem")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "Add") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IListItem")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Text" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Icon" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("SmallIcon" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds a ListItem object to a ListItems collection only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes all objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IListItem")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific item of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Remove") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes a specific member from a collection.")) ((NAME . "_NewEnum") (RIID . #xfffffffc) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_UNKNOWN")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("ListItems" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "ListView Item collection")(GUID . "{BDD1F04D-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IListItems") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IListItem" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "An item in a ListView control that contains the index of icons associated with it, text, and an array of strings representing subitems that are displayed in Report view.")(GUID . "{BDD1F04E-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Default") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "Default") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control.")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control.")) ((NAME . "Ghosted") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the state of a ListView control Object item.")) ((NAME . "Ghosted") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the state of a ListView control Object item.")) ((NAME . "Height") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the height of an object.")) ((NAME . "Height") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the height of an object.")) ((NAME . "Icon") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an icon in an associated ImageList control.")) ((NAME . "Icon") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an icon in an associated ImageList control.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Left") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.")) ((NAME . "Left") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.")) ((NAME . "Selected") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected.")) ((NAME . "Selected") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if a ListItem or Node object is selected.")) ((NAME . "SmallIcon") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an small icon in an associated ImageList control.")) ((NAME . "SmallIcon") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an small icon in an associated ImageList control.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Top") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container.")) ((NAME . "Top") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container.")) ((NAME . "Width") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of an object.")) ((NAME . "Width") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of an object.")) ((NAME . "SubItems") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets an array of strings representing the ListIitem's data.")) ((NAME . "SubItems") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I2")("riid" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets an array of strings representing the ListIitem's data.")) ((NAME . "CreateDragImage") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Creates a composite image from an icon and a caption for use in drag and drop operations.")) ((NAME . "EnsureVisible") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Ensures a ListItem or Node object is visible, scrolling or expanding the control if necessary.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "ListSubItems") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IListSubItems")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a collection of ListSubItems belonging to the ListItem.")) ((NAME . "ListSubItems") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.IListSubItems")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a collection of ListSubItems belonging to the ListItem.")) ((NAME . "Checked") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a ListSubItem object is checked.")) ((NAME . "Checked") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a ListSubItem object is checked.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object.")) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text for the subitem tooltip")) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text for the subitem tooltip")) ((NAME . "Bold") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether the text for a ListItem object is displayed with a bold font.")) ((NAME . "Bold") (RIID . #x00000013) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether the text for a ListItem object is displayed with a bold font.")))) ("ListItem" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "An item in a ListView control that contains the index of icons associated with it, text, and an array of strings representing subitems that are displayed in Report view.")(GUID . "{BDD1F04F-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IListItem") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IColumnHeaders" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "ListView Column Header collection")(GUID . "{BDD1F050-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IColumnHeader")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "Add_PreVB98") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IColumnHeader")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Text" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Width" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Alignment" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds a ColumnHeader object to a ColumnHeaders collection at both design time and run time.")) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes all objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IColumnHeader")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Remove") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes a specific member from a collection.")) ((NAME . "_NewEnum") (RIID . #xfffffffc) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_UNKNOWN")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Add") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IColumnHeader")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Text" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Width" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Alignment" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Icon" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds a ColumnHeader object to a ColumnHeaders collection at both design time and run time.")))) ("ColumnHeaders" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "ListView Column Header collection")(GUID . "{0713E8C6-850A-101B-AFC0-4210102A8DA7}")(ALIASES "IColumnHeaders") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IColumnHeader" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "ListView Column Header")(GUID . "{BDD1F051-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Default") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "Default") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control.")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text to be displayed in a control.")) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ListColumnAlignmentConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines where an object is displayed on a form.")) ((NAME . "Alignment") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ListColumnAlignmentConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines where an object is displayed on a form.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Left") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.")) ((NAME . "Left") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.")) ((NAME . "SubItemIndex") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the index of the subitem associated with a ColumnHeader object in a ListView control.")) ((NAME . "SubItemIndex") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the index of the subitem associated with a ColumnHeader object in a ListView control.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Width") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_R4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of an object.")) ((NAME . "Width") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of an object.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Icon") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an icon in an associated ImageList control.")) ((NAME . "Icon") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an icon in an associated ImageList control.")) ((NAME . "Position") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns current position of column.")) ((NAME . "Position") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns current position of column.")))) ("ColumnHeader" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "ListView Column Header")(GUID . "{BDD1F052-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IColumnHeader") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IListSubItems" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "ListView SubItem object")(GUID . "{BDD1F053-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of SubItems in the collection.")) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of SubItems in the collection.")) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IListSubItem")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "Add") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IListSubItem")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Text" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("ReportIcon" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("ToolTipText" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds a ListSubItem object to a ListSubItems collection only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes all objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IListSubItem")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific item of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Remove") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes a specific member from a collection.")) ((NAME . "_NewEnum") (RIID . #xfffffffc) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_UNKNOWN")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("ListSubItems" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "ListView SubItem collection")(GUID . "{BDD1F054-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IListSubItems") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IListSubItem" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "ListView SubItem object")(GUID . "{BDD1F055-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Default") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "Default") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text to display text for a ListSubItem object.")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text to display text for a ListSubItem object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text for a ListSubItem object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text for a ListSubItem object.")) ((NAME . "Bold") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether the text for a ListSubItem object is displayed with a bold font.")) ((NAME . "Bold") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether the text for a ListSubItem object is displayed with a bold font.")) ((NAME . "ReportIcon") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the subitem's report view icon")) ((NAME . "ReportIcon") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the subitem's report view icon")) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text for the subitem tooltip")) ((NAME . "ToolTipText") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text for the subitem tooltip")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")))) ("ListSubItem" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "ListView SubItem object")(GUID . "{BDD1F056-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IListSubItem") (FUNCTIONS )) ("ImageDrawConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "ImageList Draw constants")(GUID . "{2C247F20-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("IImageList" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Contains a collection of ListImage objects, each of which can be referred to by its index or key")(GUID . "{2C247F21-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "ImageHeight") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the height of a ListImage object.")) ((NAME . "ImageHeight") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the height of a ListImage object.")) ((NAME . "ImageWidth") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of ListImage objects in an ImageList control.")) ((NAME . "ImageWidth") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the width of ListImage objects in an ImageList control.")) ((NAME . "MaskColor") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines the color to be transparent in ImageList graphical operations.")) ((NAME . "MaskColor") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines the color to be transparent in ImageList graphical operations.")) ((NAME . "UseMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if the ImageList control will use the MaskColor property.")) ((NAME . "UseMaskColor") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if the ImageList control will use the MaskColor property.")) ((NAME . "ListImages") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IImages")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a collection of ListImage objects in an ImageList control.")) ((NAME . "ListImages") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IImages")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to a collection of ListImage objects in an ImageList control.")) ((NAME . "hImageList") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to an ImageList control.")) ((NAME . "hImageList") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to an ImageList control.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object.")) ((NAME . "Overlay") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ("Key1" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key2" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Creates a composite third image out of two ListImage objects and returns a reference to the new object.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("ImageListEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Event interface for Image List Control")(GUID . "{2C247F22-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ImageList" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "Contains a collection of ListImage objects, each of which can be referred to by its index or key")(GUID . "{2C247F23-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IImageList""ImageListEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IImages" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "A bitmap or icon of any size that can be used in other controls.")(GUID . "{2C247F24-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IImage")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "ControlDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("riid" "VT_PTR.IImage")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Add") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IImage")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Picture" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds a ListImage object to a ListImages collection and returns a reference to the created object.")) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes all objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IImage")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key" "VT_PTR.IImage")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Remove") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes a specific member from a collection.")) ((NAME . "_NewEnum") (RIID . #xfffffffc) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("ListImages" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "A bitmap or icon of any size that can be used in other controls.")(GUID . "{2C247F25-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IImages") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IImage" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "A bitmap or icon of any size that can be used in other controls.")(GUID . "{2C247F26-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the image Picture")) ((NAME . "Picture") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the image Picture")) ((NAME . "Draw") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("hDC" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Style" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Draws the image to a given device context (DC) at a specified location using a specified style")) ((NAME . "ExtractIcon") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Creates an icon from a ListImage object in an ImageList control")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("hDC" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Stores any extra data needed for your program.")))) ("ListImage" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "A bitmap or icon of any size that can be used in other controls.")(GUID . "{2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IImage") (FUNCTIONS )) ("TickStyleConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "TickStyle constants")(GUID . "{F08DF950-8592-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("TextPositionConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "TextPosition constants")(GUID . "{F08DF951-8592-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("ISlider" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "A calibrated control with a slider for setting or selecting values.")(GUID . "{F08DF952-8592-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "_Value") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_Value") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "LargeChange") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the increment value when the PageDown or PageUp key is pressed.")) ((NAME . "LargeChange") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the increment value when the PageDown or PageUp key is pressed.")) ((NAME . "SmallChange") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the increment value when the left or right arrow key is pressed.")) ((NAME . "SmallChange") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the increment value when the left or right arrow key is pressed.")) ((NAME . "Max") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the maximum value of a control.")) ((NAME . "Max") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the maximum value of a control.")) ((NAME . "Min") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the minimum value of a control.")) ((NAME . "Min") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the minimum value of a control.")) ((NAME . "Orientation") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OrientationConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the orientation of a Slider control, horizontal or vertical.")) ((NAME . "Orientation") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OrientationConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the orientation of a Slider control, horizontal or vertical.")) ((NAME . "SelectRange") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether or not a Slider control can have a select range.")) ((NAME . "SelectRange") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets whether or not a Slider control can have a select range.")) ((NAME . "SelStart") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the value where a selection starts.")) ((NAME . "SelStart") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the value where a selection starts.")) ((NAME . "SelLength") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the length of a selection.")) ((NAME . "SelLength") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the length of a selection.")) ((NAME . "TickStyle") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.TickStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets where ticks appear on a Slider control.")) ((NAME . "TickStyle") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.TickStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets where ticks appear on a Slider control.")) ((NAME . "TickFrequency") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ratio of ticks on a Slider control; 1tick every n increments.")) ((NAME . "TickFrequency") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ratio of ticks on a Slider control; 1tick every n increments.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the value of an object.")) ((NAME . "Value") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the value of an object.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x0000000c) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to a form or control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to a form or control.")) ((NAME . "BorderStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe08) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.BorderStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the border style for an object.")) ((NAME . "BorderStyle") (RIID . #xfffffe08) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.BorderStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the border style for an object.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a form or control.")) ((NAME . "ClearSel") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets the SelLength to 0.")) ((NAME . "DoClick") (RIID . #xfffffdd9) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Hidden method that can be used to invoke the Click event")) ((NAME . "GetNumTicks") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of visible ticks on a Slider control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the string displayed in the ToolTip as the slider's position changes.")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the string displayed in the ToolTip as the slider's position changes.")) ((NAME . "TextPosition") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.TextPositionConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines where the tooltip displaying the Slider's changing position is displayed.")) ((NAME . "TextPosition") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.TextPositionConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines where the tooltip displaying the Slider's changing position is displayed.")))) ("ISliderEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Event interface for Slider Control")(GUID . "{F08DF953-8592-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #xfffffda8) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object.")) ((NAME . "KeyDown") (RIID . #xfffffda6) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "KeyPress") (RIID . #xfffffda5) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyAscii" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key.")) ((NAME . "KeyUp") (RIID . #xfffffda4) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "MouseDown") (RIID . #xfffffda3) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "MouseMove") (RIID . #xfffffda2) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user moves the mouse.")) ((NAME . "MouseUp") (RIID . #xfffffda1) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Button" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")("x" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS")("y" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "Scroll") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Slider scroll event")) ((NAME . "Change") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Indicates that the contents of a control have changed.")) ((NAME . "OLEStartDrag") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("AllowedEffects" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEStartDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEGiveFeedback") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("DefaultCursors" "VT_PTR.VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEGiveFeedback event")) ((NAME . "OLESetData") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("DataFormat" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLESetData event")) ((NAME . "OLECompleteDrag") (RIID . #x00000611) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLECompleteDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragOver") (RIID . #x00000612) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("State" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragOver event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragDrop") (RIID . #x00000613) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragDrop event")))) ("Slider" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "A calibrated control with a slider for setting or selecting values.")(GUID . "{F08DF954-8592-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "ISlider""ISliderEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IControls" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "A collection whose elements represent each contained control in a parent control.")(GUID . "{C8A3DC00-8593-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of members in a collection")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key")) ((NAME . "_NewEnum") (RIID . #xfffffffc) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_UNKNOWN")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("Controls" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "Controls collection")(GUID . "{C8A3DC01-8593-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IControls") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IComboItem" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "An object that represents an entry in the listbox portion of the combobox control.")(GUID . "{DD9DA660-8594-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "_ObjectDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_ObjectDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Image") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Index into ImageList control where the normal image for this item can be found.")) ((NAME . "Image") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Index into ImageList control where the normal image for this item can be found.")) ((NAME . "Indentation") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Number of spaces to indent the text for the item. Each indent is equal to 10 pixels.")) ((NAME . "Indentation") (RIID . #x00000005) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Number of spaces to indent the text for the item. Each indent is equal to 10 pixels.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Index") (RIID . #x00000006) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Key") (RIID . #x00000008) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Selected") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if a ComboItem is selected.")) ((NAME . "Selected") (RIID . #x0000000d) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value which determines if a ComboItem is selected.")) ((NAME . "SelImage") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Index into ImageList control where the selected image for this item can be found.")) ((NAME . "SelImage") (RIID . #x0000000f) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Index into ImageList control where the selected image for this item can be found.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000015) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_VARIANT")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a specific number for each item in an ImageCombo.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000015) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a specific number for each item in an ImageCombo.")) ((NAME . "Tag") (RIID . #x00000015) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a specific number for each item in an ImageCombo.")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x00000017) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Text label for this item.")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #x00000017) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Text label for this item.")))) ("ComboItem" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "An object that represents an entry in the listbox portion of the combobox control.")(GUID . "{DD9DA661-8594-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IComboItem") (FUNCTIONS )) ("IComboItems" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "The ComboItems Collection.")(GUID . "{DD9DA662-8594-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "_CollectionDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IComboItem")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))) ((NAME . "_CollectionDefault") (RIID . #x00000000) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("riid" "VT_PTR.IComboItem")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of members currently in the collection.")) ((NAME . "Count") (RIID . #x0000001b) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns the number of members currently in the collection.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IComboItem")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Item") (RIID . #x0000001c) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("riid" "VT_PTR.IComboItem")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.")) ((NAME . "Add") (RIID . #x00000019) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IComboItem")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Key" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Text" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Image" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("SelImage" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("Indentation" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Adds an object to a collection and returns a reference to the created object.")) ((NAME . "Clear") (RIID . #x0000001a) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes all objects in a collection.")) ((NAME . "Remove") (RIID . #x0000001d) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Index" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Removes the item at the given index from the collection.")) ((NAME . "_NewEnum") (RIID . #xfffffffc) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))))) ("ComboItems" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "The ComboItems Collection.")(GUID . "{DD9DA663-8594-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IComboItems") (FUNCTIONS )) ("ImageComboStyleConstants" (TYPE . "Enum")(DESCRIPTION . "Constants for the Style property of a ComboBox control.")(GUID . "{DD9DA667-8594-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS )) ("IImageCombo" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Microsoft ImageComboBox Control")(GUID . "{DD9DA664-8594-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "QueryInterface") (RIID . #x60000000) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("ppvObj" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "AddRef") (RIID . #x60000001) (OFFSET . #x4) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Release") (RIID . #x60000002) (OFFSET . #x8) (RETURNS . "VT_UI4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfoCount") (RIID . #x60010000) (OFFSET . #xc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("pctinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetTypeInfo") (RIID . #x60010001) (OFFSET . #x10) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("itinfo" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("pptinfo" "VT_PTR.VT_VOID")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetIDsOfNames") (RIID . #x60010002) (OFFSET . #x14) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("rgszNames" "VT_PTR.VT_I1")("cNames" "VT_UINT")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("rgdispid" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Invoke") (RIID . #x60010003) (OFFSET . #x18) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")("riid" "VT_PTR.GUID")("lcid" "VT_UI4")("wFlags" "VT_UI2")("pdispparams" "VT_PTR.DISPPARAMS")("pvarResult" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")("pexcepinfo" "VT_PTR.EXCEPINFO")("puArgErr" "VT_PTR.VT_UINT")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #xfffffdfb) (OFFSET . #x1c) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text contained in an object.")) ((NAME . "Text") (RIID . #xfffffdfb) (OFFSET . #x20) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the text contained in an object.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x24) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background color of an object.")) ((NAME . "BackColor") (RIID . #xfffffe0b) (OFFSET . #x28) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the background color of an object.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x2c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Enabled") (RIID . #xfffffdfe) (OFFSET . #x30) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x34) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IFontDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x38) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IFontDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a Font object.")) ((NAME . "Font") (RIID . #xfffffe00) (OFFSET . #x3c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IFontDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a Font object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x40) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object.")) ((NAME . "ForeColor") (RIID . #xfffffdff) (OFFSET . #x44) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_COLOR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #x48) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to the control.")) ((NAME . "hWnd") (RIID . #xfffffdfd) (OFFSET . #x4c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Typedef.OLE_HANDLE")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a handle to the control.")) ((NAME . "ImageList") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x50) (RETURNS . "VT_DISPATCH")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used.")) ((NAME . "ImageList") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x54) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used.")) ((NAME . "ImageList") (RIID . #x00000003) (OFFSET . #x58) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_DISPATCH")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used.")) ((NAME . "Indentation") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x5c) (RETURNS . "VT_I2")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "The default number of spaces to indent the text for newly added items. Each indent is equal to 10 pixels.")) ((NAME . "Indentation") (RIID . #x00000004) (OFFSET . #x60) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "The default number of spaces to indent the text for newly added items. Each indent is equal to 10 pixels.")) ((NAME . "ComboItems") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x64) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IComboItems")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "The ComboItems Collection.")) ((NAME . "ComboItems") (RIID . #x00000007) (OFFSET . #x68) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IComboItems")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "The ComboItems Collection.")) ((NAME . "Locked") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x6c) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value indicating whether the contents in an Image Combo control can be edited.")) ((NAME . "Locked") (RIID . #x00000009) (OFFSET . #x70) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value indicating whether the contents in an Image Combo control can be edited.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x74) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x78) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MouseIcon") (RIID . #x0000000a) (OFFSET . #x7c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IPictureDisp")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Sets a custom mouse icon.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x80) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value indicating the type of mouse pointer displayed when the mouse is over the control at run time.")) ((NAME . "MousePointer") (RIID . #x0000000b) (OFFSET . #x84) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.MousePointerConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets a value indicating the type of mouse pointer displayed when the mouse is over the control at run time.")) ((NAME . "OLEDragMode") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x88) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDragConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDragMode") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x8c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDragConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x90) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "OLEDropMode") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x94) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.OLEDropConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.")) ((NAME . "SelectedItem") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x98) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IComboItem")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the currently selected ComboItem.")) ((NAME . "SelectedItem") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #x9c) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.IComboItem")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the currently selected ComboItem.")) ((NAME . "SelectedItem") (RIID . #x0000000e) (OFFSET . #xa0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_PTR.VT_VARIANT")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns a reference to the currently selected ComboItem.")) ((NAME . "SelLength") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #xa4) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the number of characters selected.")) ((NAME . "SelLength") (RIID . #x00000010) (OFFSET . #xa8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the number of characters selected.")) ((NAME . "SelStart") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xac) (RETURNS . "VT_I4")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the starting point of text selected; indicates the position of the insertion point if no text is selected.")) ((NAME . "SelStart") (RIID . #x00000011) (OFFSET . #xb0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the starting point of text selected; indicates the position of the insertion point if no text is selected.")) ((NAME . "SelText") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xb4) (RETURNS . "VT_BSTR")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the string containing the currently selected text; consists of a zero-length string if no characters are selected.")) ((NAME . "SelText") (RIID . #x00000012) (OFFSET . #xb8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BSTR")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the string containing the currently selected text; consists of a zero-length string if no characters are selected.")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x00000014) (OFFSET . #xbc) (RETURNS . "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ImageComboStyleConstants")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the style for an Image Combobox control.")) ((NAME . "Style") (RIID . #x00000014) (OFFSET . #xc0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_USERDEFINED.Enum.ImageComboStyleConstants")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "Returns/sets the style for an Image Combobox control.")) ((NAME . "UsePathSep") (RIID . #x00000018) (OFFSET . #xc4) (RETURNS . "VT_BOOL")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-GET ))(DESCRIPTION . "(Windows NT Only) Returns/sets a value that determines whether the edit box uses the slash ('/'), backslash ('') and period ('.') characters as word delimiters.")) ((NAME . "UsePathSep") (RIID . #x00000018) (OFFSET . #xc8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("dispidMember" "VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-SET ))(DESCRIPTION . "(Windows NT Only) Returns/sets a value that determines whether the edit box uses the slash ('/'), backslash ('') and period ('.') characters as word delimiters.")) ((NAME . "AboutBox") (RIID . #xfffffdd8) (OFFSET . #xcc) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))) ((NAME . "GetFirstVisible") (RIID . #x0000001e) (OFFSET . #xd0) (RETURNS . "VT_PTR.IComboItem")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Retrieves a reference of the first item visible in the list portion of the control.")) ((NAME . "Refresh") (RIID . #xfffffdda) (OFFSET . #xd4) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Forces a complete repaint of a control.")) ((NAME . "OLEDrag") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #xd8) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.")))) ("DImageComboEvents" (TYPE . "Dispinterface")(DESCRIPTION . "Event interface for ImageComboBox control")(GUID . "{DD9DA665-8594-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(FUNCTIONS ((NAME . "Change") (RIID . #x00000001) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the contents of a control have changed.")) ((NAME . "Dropdown") (RIID . #x00000002) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the list portion of the Image Combo is about to drop down.")) ((NAME . "Click") (RIID . #xfffffda8) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object.")) ((NAME . "KeyDown") (RIID . #xfffffda6) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "KeyUp") (RIID . #xfffffda4) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyCode" "VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus.")) ((NAME . "KeyPress") (RIID . #xfffffda5) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("KeyAscii" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key.")) ((NAME . "OLEStartDrag") (RIID . #x0000060e) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("AllowedEffects" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEStartDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEGiveFeedback") (RIID . #x0000060f) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("DefaultCursors" "VT_PTR.VT_BOOL")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEGiveFeedback event")) ((NAME . "OLESetData") (RIID . #x00000610) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("DataFormat" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLESetData event")) ((NAME . "OLECompleteDrag") (RIID . #x00000611) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLECompleteDrag event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragOver") (RIID . #x00000612) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("State" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragOver event")) ((NAME . "OLEDragDrop") (RIID . #x00000613) (OFFSET . #x0) (RETURNS . "VT_VOID")(PARAMS ("Data" "VT_PTR.VT_PTR.DataObject")("Effect" "VT_PTR.VT_I4")("Button" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("Shift" "VT_PTR.VT_I2")("x" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")("y" "VT_PTR.VT_R4")) (FLAGS ( IS-FUNCTION ))(DESCRIPTION . "OLEDragDrop event")))) ("ImageCombo" (TYPE . "Coclass")(DESCRIPTION . "Microsoft ImageComboBox Control")(GUID . "{DD9DA666-8594-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}")(ALIASES "IImageCombo""DImageComboEvents") (FUNCTIONS )) )))